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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "cabbage"
2023-02-16 00:00:00
Difficult situation on the cabbage market. What prices?
Prices for brassica vegetables have not increased significantly in recent weeks. In fact, with regard to the basic assortment, i.e. white cabbage, small decreases in average purchase prices have
2023-02-15 00:00:00
Uzbekistan: cabbage producers suffered huge losses due to abnormal cold weather
The harvest of white cabbage in Uzbekistan was seriously affected due to the abnormal cold in Central Asia in January of this year. As a result, cabbage prices rose sharply, and the export volume
2023-02-14 00:00:00
Uzbekistan: producenci kapusty ponieśli ogromne straty z powodu nienormalnej zimnej pogody
Zbiory białej kapusty w Uzbekistanie zostały poważnie dotknięte z powodu nienormalnego zimna w Azji Środkowej w styczniu tego roku. W rezultacie ceny kapusty gwałtownie
2023-02-14 00:00:00
Uzbekistan: cabbage producers suffered huge losses due to abnormal cold weather
The harvest of white cabbage in Uzbekistan was seriously affected due to the abnormal cold in Central Asia in January of this year. As a result, cabbage prices rose sharply, and the export volume
2023-02-14 00:00:00
Узбекистан: производители капусты понесли огромные убытки из-за аномальных холодов
Урожай белокочанной капусты в Узбекистане серьезно пострадал из-за аномальных холодов в Центральной Азии
2023-02-10 00:00:00
Bangladesh growers swap rice for vegetables due to water troubles
In response to a dryer climate, farmers in Bangladesh are planting vegetables instead of rice. Drought has grown increasingly common in the region of Barind, while groundwater levels are dropping
2023-02-08 00:00:00
"Due to staffing shortages, restaurants are increasingly turning to pre-made convenience products"
After two difficult Covid years, isi Ismaninger Feldgemüse Ltd was able to report normal annual sales again in 2022. "In both 2020 and 2021, we had to dispose of a great deal of produce -
2023-02-06 00:00:00
Current wholesale vegetable prices - Bronisze market [6.02.2023].
We present the current prices of vegetables that producers can expect at the wholesale market in Broniszach near Warsaw on 6 February 2023. The beginning of the week is marked by an increase in
2023-02-02 00:00:00
Prices for white cabbage are decreasing in Ukraine due to the rapidly degrading quality
Due to the rapid decrease in the quality of white cabbage in the storage facilities of Ukrainian producers, local farmers began to massively reduce prices for it this week, EastFruit project
2023-02-02 00:00:00
В Украине снижаются цены на белокочанную капусту из-за быстро ухудшающегося качества
В связи со стремительным снижением качества белокочанной капусты в хранилищах украинских производителей,
2023-02-02 00:00:00
Ceny białej kapusty na Ukrainie spadają z powodu szybko pogarszającej się jakości
Z powodu szybkiego spadku jakości białej kapusty w magazynach ukraińskich producentów, lokalni rolnicy zaczęli w tym tygodniu masowo obniżać jej ceny - informują analitycy
2023-02-01 00:00:00
Big drop in wholesale prices of fruit and vegetables at Dambulla Economic Centre
The wholesale prices of vegetables, fruits and many essential food items in the Dambulla Economic Centre (DEC) went down by a big margin on Monday. Traders say that the wholesale price of a kilo
2023-02-01 00:00:00
Gilfresh Produce 'Grows' Range with Aldi Ireland
Gilfresh Produce, wybitni hodowcy i producenci warzyw z siedzibą w Co. Armagh, rozszerzyli swoją ofertę o produkty oferowane przez ALDI Ireland. Asortyment linii Gilfresh
2023-02-01 00:00:00
New Covent Garden Market traders help to educate Westminster Kingsway student chefs
The students at Westminster Kingsway College’s School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality (WestKing) will be learning about different seasonal fruit and vegetables each month this year thanks to
2023-02-01 00:00:00
Gilfresh Produce ‘Grows’ Range with Aldi Ireland
Gilfresh Produce, prominent vegetable growers and producers based in Co. Armagh, have extended their product range with ALDI Ireland. The range of Gilfresh lines stocked in Aldi Ireland stores now
2023-01-31 00:00:00
Dole: Sale of fresh vegetable division to Fresh Express
The fresh vegetables business, which was sold for $293m subject to certain adjustments, includes the processing and sale of whole produce such as iceberg, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuces,
2023-01-30 00:00:00
Kazakhstan depends on imported vegetables
According to the results of December 2022, prices for fresh vegetables in Kazakhstan increased by almost 20% over the year. Cucumbers (by 47.9% ), onions, tomatoes, potatoes, and beets sharply
2023-01-30 00:00:00
"Dutch meal producers, retailers love Mildessa sauerkraut"
"Pickling cabbage was imperative for surviving the winter and getting sufficient vitamin C during those dark days. These days, people mainly eat sauerkraut because they like it. It's an important
2023-01-30 00:00:00
Carrot prices in Moldova are growing and further price increase is expected
As EastFruit price monitoring shows, prices for carrots have been rising on the Moldovan fruit and vegetable market for two weeks in a row now. After a slight and short decline caused by a
2023-01-27 00:00:00
Carrot prices in Moldova are growing and further price increase is expected
As EastFruit price monitoring shows, prices for carrots have been rising on the Moldovan fruit and vegetable market for two weeks in a row now. After a slight and short decline caused by a
2022-05-13 12:02:00
Demand for "old" cabbage is falling in Poland
May brought a clear fall in demand for white cabbage from the 2021 harvest in Poland. Until the end of April there was an increase in the price of this vegetable at the large wholesaler, but then
2022-04-28 09:00:00
Jest młoda kapusta biała z krajowych upraw
Tegoroczna wiosna przyniosła bardzo dynamiczną sytuację na hurtowym rynku białej kapusty w Polsce. Popyt na to warzyw nie słabnie, co przekłada się na jego coraz wyższe ceny
2022-04-28 08:00:00
Zeszłoroczna kapusta biała tanieje na Ukrainie
Na Ukrainie ceny zeszłorocznej kapusty białej zaczęły spadać, podają analitycy projektu C. Zdaniem ekspertów przyczyną redukcji był spadek obrotów i zakupów ze
2022-04-27 09:00:00
Jest już krajowa młoda „pekinka”
Na polskim rynku pojawiła się wczesna kapusta pekińska ze zbiorów 2022 roku. Oczywiście na razie to „pekinka” spod osłon, a jej podaż jest ograniczona. Jednak jest jej