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2023-07-18 00:00:00
First conference dedicated to cornsalad cultivation held in Italy
The first conference dedicated to the cultivation of cornsalad, organized by Maraldi Sementi, was held in recent weeks at the Vacherie in Brusaporto (Bergamo, Italy), in the heart of the growing
2023-06-23 00:00:00
Conad supports Emilia-Romagna
Conad, Italy's leading supermarket chain, confirms its commitment to supporting the communities in which it operates by launching the 'Let's support Emilia-Romagna' initiative. It did so during a
2023-06-05 18:00:00
Heavyweight speakers get set for Festival of Fresh 2023
From industry leaders, experts and analysts to the bosses of some of Britain’s leading suppliers and supermarkets, Festival of Fresh 2023 has something for everyone. There’s still time to
2023-06-05 00:00:00
"This is the biggest conference and trade show we have ever organised"
Monday 5th June saw the opening reception for Hort Connections 2023 at the Adelaide Convention centre, the event will run until 7th of June. Delegates enter the trade show floor On Monday morning
2023-05-09 00:00:00
Rimini hosts the 2024 World Assembly of Agri-Food Markets
It is official: the autumn 2024 Conference of the World Union of Wholesale (WUWM) will be held in Rimini. This is an important achievement for the entire city, the result of the work of CAAR
2023-05-01 00:00:00
Georgian retail chains can save $2.2 million on bananas alone by switching to pooling!
According to Fedir Rybalko, international consultant of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Georgian supermarkets are not yet using many promising opportunities to
2023-04-17 12:00:00
IT gong for Melon&Co
Spalding-based supplier Melon&Co has won the award for Best Corporate Adopter at the inaugural ICC C4DTI Digital Trade Awards. The award recognises excellence in standards and framework adoption,
2023-03-29 06:00:00
Hort Connections puts industry on show
Australia and New Zealand’s largest horticulture conference and trade show returns to Adelaide in 2023. Hort Connections will take place in the South Australian capital on 5-7 June. The Adelaide
2023-03-14 00:00:00
"We have raised prices a lot in order not to produce a disaster in the production chain".
This Tuesday 14th March saw Mercadona's long awaited press conference led by its president Juan Roig, who analysed all the supermarket's open fronts: being considered a ruthless capitalist, price