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w kategorii: / News / Retail
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Melons from Uzbekistan vs Spanish melons in the supermarkets of Latvia
According to EastFruit, a melon from Uzbekistan has reappeared in supermarkets in Latvia, which is positioned as the “Central Asian melon”. The retail price for this melon is 2.49 euros per
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Melons from Uzbekistan vs Spanish melons in the supermarkets of Latvia
According to EastFruit, a melon from Uzbekistan has reappeared in supermarkets in Latvia, which is positioned as the “Central Asian melon”. The retail price for this melon is 2.49 euros per
2023-05-26 00:00:00
Melon crisis: oversupply or lack of demand?
In May, assortments and spaces dedicated to summer fruit - and among these the earliest category is melon - begin to grow on supermarket counters, but every year supply and demand clash. In the
2023-04-07 00:00:00
Melons at 0.99: there is no limit to the worst
Seeing a melon sold at a retail price of 0.99 euro/kilo is, except in special situations, in itself something deplorable because it debases the product, seeing it at the beginning of April is