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2023-07-21 00:00:00
Retail partners keep asking for new exotic items
Most exotic produce items are in season currently. “We offer both conventional and organic exotics,” says Melissa Hartmann de Barros, Director of Communications at HLB Specialties. Within the
2023-07-20 00:00:00
Spanish canned food doubles the price of Italian canned food on the Chinese market
The Spanish canned vegetable market in China, with origins in Navarra and Murcia, has a smaller market share than its main European competitor, the Italian market, but its products are more
2023-07-18 00:00:00
First conference dedicated to cornsalad cultivation held in Italy
The first conference dedicated to the cultivation of cornsalad, organized by Maraldi Sementi, was held in recent weeks at the Vacherie in Brusaporto (Bergamo, Italy), in the heart of the growing
2023-07-17 00:00:00
L'Orto di Eleonora: 'Stunning feedback on the Gavina watermelon' #vocidellortofrutta
The watermelon and melon campaign is now in full swing. We take stock of the situation with Salvatore Lotta, commercial director of the Campidanese Agricultural Cooperative, known for its brand
2023-07-17 00:00:00
"Both food retailers and wholesalers are showing great interest in blueberries"
"Blueberry cultivation in Bavaria is still quite manageable because the necessary soils for it do not actually exist and accordingly a lot has to be invested in soil preparation," says Andreas
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Checking out the price and quality of onions from Uzbekistan in a Latvian supermarket
According to EastFruit analysts, after the ban on onion exports was lifted and through the end of June, Uzbekistan has already exported more than 3.3 thousand tons of onions to the Latvian market.
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Getir would consider leaving the Netherlands and Italy
Czech billionaire Kretinsky closes in on Casino after 3F abandons bid Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky appeared to be nearing victory in the battle to take over French retailer Casino after the
2023-07-16 00:00:00
Check out the price and quality of onions from Uzbekistan in a Latvian supermarket
According to EastFruit analysts, after the ban on onion exports was lifted and through the end of June, Uzbekistan has already exported more than 3.3 thousand tons of onions to the Latvian market.
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Amazon workers at a warehouse in Britain will stage a strike for 3 days
UK: Riverford scoops hat-trick in annual organic awards Veg box company Riverford (and publisher of Wicked Leeks) scooped a hat-trick at the Soil Association-run BOOM Awards, for best veg box,
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Melons from Uzbekistan vs Spanish melons in the supermarkets of Latvia
According to EastFruit, a melon from Uzbekistan has reappeared in supermarkets in Latvia, which is positioned as the “Central Asian melon”. The retail price for this melon is 2.49 euros per
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Melons from Uzbekistan vs Spanish melons in the supermarkets of Latvia
According to EastFruit, a melon from Uzbekistan has reappeared in supermarkets in Latvia, which is positioned as the “Central Asian melon”. The retail price for this melon is 2.49 euros per
2023-07-05 00:00:00
"In Austrian stores, conventional complements organic"
With this nice weather, plenty of watermelons are being loaded in Southern Europe, destined for the northern countries. Fruitprint, a Dutch company that links retailers and distributors directly
2023-07-04 00:00:00
The price of an apple in Ukraine is determined by small farmers
Horticulture in Ukraine is a very interesting industry in terms of price formation, as the director of horticulture and vegetable farming, Taras Melnyk, explained in an interview. "There are two
2023-07-04 00:00:00
The raspberry season is gaining momentum. What are the prices at wholesale and retail?
The raspberry season is underway. The fruit is successively more plentiful and prices are fluctuating depending on the supply on the market. How much does a kilo cost on wholesale markets and in
2023-07-04 00:00:00
"Lower watermelon quantities, but sizable enough to be sold in slices in supermarkets"
Geofur started harvesting its almost 60 hectares of watermelons located between the Ostiglia (Mantua) and Melara (Rovigo) municipalities. The market is very receptive at the moment, also because
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Penny Italia launches Pianetiamo, the pl line of salads for vertical farming
Penny Italia is currently launching its Pianetiamo line dedicated to fourth range salads from vertical farming, in particular from aeroponic technology. The retailer is the first brand with a
2023-07-03 12:00:00
Aldi’s Super 6 becomes Super 7
Aldi is renaming its Super 6 fruit and vegetable promotion as Super 7, with a proportion of profits from the seventh item in the range being donated to its charity partner, Teenage Cancer Trust.
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Yes Peas! campaign proves worthwhile, as UK demand is up 20%
New data from reveals that searches for ‘frozen peas’ in the UK increased 20% in the last 12 months, with more than 2,000 hits in the last month alone. OF course, the Great British Pea Week is
2023-07-03 00:00:00
"Colored cauliflower a typical product in Mediterranean countries"
Colored cauliflower can completely brighten store shelves, yet you won't easily find these eye-catching products in Dutch supermarkets. "We offer most of the purple, orange, and green locally
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Discount, where fruit and vegetables perform best
In a climate where consumer confidence has plummeted to lower levels than during the pandemic, inflation plays a key role in people's perceptions. This is forcing people to make increasingly
2023-06-30 00:00:00
June watermelons still on the handbrake
Week 24 saw a softening of the trend compared to the previous week for Lcc, but also for fruit and vegetables by weight. Among the channels, discount stores continue to grow in fruit and vegetable
2023-06-30 00:00:00
“Spanish melon contract growers are at their wits' end”
“Things can always be called extreme, but in the 20 years I've been here, I've never seen it this extreme. Very few melons are available, and those that are there are damaged or the incorrect
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Deliveroo Snack To The Future report: 3D printed meal plans
France: Debt-ridden retailer Casino gives July 3 deadline for offers to boost its equity Supermarket retailer Casino set a deadline of July 3 for offers to boost its equity base, as it works on a
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Lively demand for watermelons
"A similar situation has never occurred before: demand from supermarkets and markets in Italy and abroad is high for both watermelons and mini-watermelons, with interesting quotations," reports
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Imports of melons from China to the Amur Region of Russia have tripled
Imports of melon from China to the Amur Region of Russia have tripled compared to last year. Since the beginning of the year, 76 tons of these melon cultures have been brought in through the