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2023-07-19 00:00:00
Mercadona back to the hard discounter?
It is an unlucky season for Spanish watermelons and melons. As we wrote recently (click here to read more), the campaign was heavily marked by the weather events of the last few months: a
2023-07-18 00:00:00
In April, Morocco sold more watermelon in the EU than Spain and at a higher price
According to data prepared by Hortoinfo, in April of this year, Morocco sold a total of 9.14 million kilos of watermelon to EU markets. This is 248.8% more volume than Spain marketed on the
2023-07-06 00:00:00
"Surprisingly stable qualities in Turkish watermelons"
"We started the season for Turkish watermelons about three weeks ago," Murat Günes from Westfalen Frischdienst GmbH informs us. "The season for Moroccan produce is now over. With the Spanish
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Spain, record prices for watermelons in discount stores
The Spanish watermelon and melon campaign has been heavily marked by the weather events of recent months: first the drought then the storms. And the consequences are directly visible at the sales
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Melons from Uzbekistan vs Spanish melons in the supermarkets of Latvia
According to EastFruit, a melon from Uzbekistan has reappeared in supermarkets in Latvia, which is positioned as the “Central Asian melon”. The retail price for this melon is 2.49 euros per
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Melons from Uzbekistan vs Spanish melons in the supermarkets of Latvia
According to EastFruit, a melon from Uzbekistan has reappeared in supermarkets in Latvia, which is positioned as the “Central Asian melon”. The retail price for this melon is 2.49 euros per
2023-07-05 00:00:00
Melon season suffers from inclement weather
This year, Spanish melon and watermelon growers have been surprised by a drastic change in the season in just three weeks. Once again, the weather has played a key role in the production which,
2023-07-03 00:00:00
"The melon and watermelon shortage will continue during the first three weeks of July"
The situation of the Spanish melon and watermelon season has changed drastically from May to June and July, going from a clear oversupply in the markets and the collapse of prices to a shortage
2023-06-30 00:00:00
In the melon market, supply dynamics and weather conditions have been influencing the availability and prices of various melon types across different regions. In the Netherlands, the supply of
2023-06-30 00:00:00
“Spanish melon contract growers are at their wits' end”
“Things can always be called extreme, but in the 20 years I've been here, I've never seen it this extreme. Very few melons are available, and those that are there are damaged or the incorrect
2023-06-28 00:00:00
Summer fruits: NFI analysis
The intense hot weather of recent weeks favours the consumption of summer fruit, refreshing and thirst quenching by nature. The scenario at CAAB presents itself with a drop in the supply of
2023-06-20 00:00:00
"This year we will only sell white striped watermelon to gain efficiency in our warehouses"
"We are currently getting ready for the watermelon campaign. The fruit is our most important summer crop, and we plan to market 10 million kilos of the white striped seedless variety," said
2023-06-14 00:00:00
AMI: Sugar melon sales boosted by high promotional activity
The Spanish supply of sugar melons, i.e. Galia, Cantaloupe and honeydew melons, from early cultivation is high this season. Due to a lack of demand in Germany caused by the weather, quantities
2023-05-31 00:00:00
"May had very ordinary melon prices"
On the European melon market, May was nothing to write home about. "That applies to not only the overseas season's tail end," says Leon van den Hombergh. "But also the Spanish season's start."
2023-05-25 00:00:00
"There will be a greater watermelon supply than last year, but lower than we expected"
The rains and lack of sunlight persist throughout the Spanish Levante, casting some doubts as to their possible impact on the supply of upcoming crops, such as watermelon, in the Region of Murcia.
2023-05-19 00:00:00
AMI: Melon supply from Spain continues to grow
The availability of Spanish watermelons is now at full capacity. Plenty of produce is available for export from the early growing areas. With the increasing presence in the trade, demand for the
2023-05-12 00:00:00
Pumpkin and melon seeds for functional food production
This has been demonstrated in a new study by the University of Castilla-La Mancha in which the Valencian company Vicente Peris is participating by donating seeds. The study worked with Manchego
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Fruit and vegetable price trends in Italy as at 2 May
The Spanish peach and nectarine campaign has begun. Increasing quantities of Sicilian melons. Italian production of green beans is struggling to take off. Demand for strawberries is slowing down,
2023-05-02 00:00:00
Watermelons, the mystery of provenance
The transition from Senegal to Spain is faster than you think. Or at least that is what happens with watermelons. Over the past few days, watermelons of the same type - at least apparently - whole
2023-05-02 00:00:00
"Murcia's water availability will determine the Spanish stone fruit season's course"
In the Netherlands, 4Fruit Company received the first Spanish Galia melons on Friday. There are plenty of watermelons available, but the yellow and Piel de Sapo melon supply is still limited.
2023-04-26 00:00:00
“We are able to control the varieties we want to plant, to be certain of the volumes"
For a year now, Top Fruits has been producing its own melons through its Spanish subsidiary Calistafrut, which are sold under the brand Le Précieux. The advantage of being a producer, according
2023-04-24 11:00:00
Almería’s outdoor watermelon acreage shrinks by a quarter
According to a study by ASAJA-Almería, the Spanish province will see a 25% contraction in its outdoor watermelon production area. The reduction is due to a combination of the extended autumn