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2023-07-21 00:00:00
"Exports to France are a growing sales market"
The marketing of watermelons from the Mediterranean region is currently in full swing. "We get our goods from Morocco, Greece and Italy. Morocco is now coming to an end and is increasingly being
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Hauschildt fruit wholesaler builds new picking hall with 4,500 sqm of space
The Hauschildt family fruit farm has been in Jork since 1570. In 2016, Patrick Hauschildt took over the heritage of the traditional farm. Three years ago, he started building a new picking hall,
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Basil and salad are grown in apartment buildings with aeroponics
There is a cultivation technique that can reduce water and soil consumption by 98%. We are talking about aeroponics, a cultivation method thanks to which even urban contexts, such as apartment
2023-07-21 00:00:00
"This is the first Oyster mushroom farm in South Australia"
South Australia enjoys a year-round supply of Oyster mushrooms thanks to the new facility built by Epicurean Food Group. It is a vertical farm inside what used to be a Holden Car Factory paint
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Onions prices in Uzbekistan have fallen by 20% over the past week
Over the last week, wholesale prices for onions of new harvest in Uzbekistan fell by 20%. At the same time, current prices are three times lower than the previous year’s levels and almost
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Farmers' wages already have a winner
After the 'Pepper Car' comes the 'Farming Salary'. As it does every summer, HM.CLAUSE has carried out a draw before a notary for a juicy prize among those who trust in its pepper varieties. On
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Thief apprehended. Wanted to steal 300kg of peppers from a foil tunnel
The charge of stealing peppers was heard by a 25-year-old Radom resident who stole 300 kg of peppers from a foil tunnel in Grabowska Wola. The vegetables were to be used for his resale..More. Go
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Hauschildt fruit wholesaler builds new picking hall with 4,500 sqm of space
The Hauschildt family fruit farm has been in Jork since 1570. In 2016, Patrick Hauschildt took over the heritage of the traditional farm. Three years ago, he started building a new picking hall,
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Can lettuce be frozen?
Freezing food Preserving freshness for long periods of time is a common practice in many households around the world, and this includes freezing foods such as lettuce. This delicate leafy green is
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Addressing food insecurity in arid regions with an open-source evaporative cooling chamber design
The scientific principle, known as evaporative cooling, can be a game-changer for preserving fruits and vegetables grown on smallholder farms, where the wilting dry heat can quickly degrade
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Joinfruit signs marketing agreement for ramassin
After two years of fruitful collaboration, the O.P. Joinfruit of Verzuolo and the Ramassin del Monviso- Valle Bronda Consortium have just signed a new commercial agreement for the promotion and
2023-07-21 00:00:00
The global ginger market is currently facing challenges, with uncertainties and shortages affecting different regions. As the ginger season transitions, traders are faced with fluctuating prices
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Steady start and new look for Koala Easy Peel
The Ryan Navel, better known as the 'Koala Easy Peel' orange, is a relatively new development in commercial citrus fruit. The original variety has been around for over 60 years since it was first
2023-07-21 00:00:00
British cannabis smugglers appear before judge
A crime ring with links throughout Europe has been caught red-handed after shipping £2 million of cannabis into Seaforth docks. The drugs were hidden among pallets of broccoli, kale and lettuce.
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Pepper market problems return and the season is under way
The season for Polish peppers has not yet started for good. The amount of goods leaves much to be desired and already there are attempts to undercut prices, reports the Association of Polish
2023-07-21 00:00:00
"Unexpectedly high tomato volumes cause market prices to plummet"
Belgian greenhouse vegetables are having quite a hard time at the moment. "Productions are all on par, but vacation time has started in many European countries, so demand is lagging slightly,"
2023-07-21 00:00:00
This September, students across Western Australia will be taking part in The Great Vegie Crunch
During September, students across Western Australia will be taking part in The Great Vegie Crunch. For this, schools are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $75 to assist with the purchase of
2023-07-21 00:00:00
L'Insalata dell'Orto joins Zero Residues
L'Insalata dell'Orto - a Veneto-based company specialising in the production, packaging and marketing of first and fourth range leafy vegetables, as well as Europe's largest producer of edible
2023-07-21 00:00:00
"If we get too few onions, it's not because of availability, but because of other factors"
The onion market is now in its annual seasonal change. "German winter onions are now increasingly hitting the market. In parallel, we have been marketing new Spanish butcher's onions and red
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Onions prices in Uzbekistan have fallen by 20% over the past week
Over the last week, wholesale prices for onions of new harvest in Uzbekistan fell by 20%. At the same time, current prices are three times lower than the previous year’s levels and almost
2023-07-21 00:00:00
"In Germany and France, the demand for melon and watermelon continues to rise, despite the high prices"
The supply of melons and watermelons, the summer fruits par excellence, is scarce at this time, while Europe is scorching due to the heat waves Cerberus and Charon, which have caused temperatures
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Addressing food insecurity in arid regions with an open-source evaporative cooling chamber design
The scientific principle, known as evaporative cooling, can be a game-changer for preserving fruits and vegetables grown on smallholder farms, where the wilting dry heat can quickly degrade
2023-07-21 00:00:00
"ToBRFV-resistant baby plums show promising trial results"
“The rugose virus is impacting all tomatoes—but especially the cluster markets such as snacking tomatoes,” said Stéphane Le Caro, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds Portfolio Lead for Indeterminate
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Joinfruit signs marketing agreement for ramassin
After two years of fruitful collaboration, the O.P. Joinfruit of Verzuolo and the Ramassin del Monviso- Valle Bronda Consortium have just signed a new commercial agreement for the promotion and
2023-07-21 00:00:00
“Israel’s desert bred stone and pome fruit ideal to withstand climate changes”
A pear, the Eden Gold, bred and developed in the harsh Israeli desert without shade or hail nets, is just one of the new stone and pome fruit hardy varieties producers around the world need to