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w kategorii: / News / Regions
2023-07-03 00:00:00
France has banned plastic packaging on fruit and vegetables. However, there are exceptions
From 1 July 2023, legislation came into force in France that prohibits the sale of unprocessed fruit and vegetables in plastic packaging.More. Go to the article
2023-04-11 00:00:00
In France they are also fighting frosts
Anthony Oboussier, an orchardist from the Drôme department in France in 2021, lost 100 per cent of his crop through frosts. Frosts are currently haunting France, so he and many other fruit
2023-02-22 00:00:00
Polish apples in shops in France. Scandal and high prices in the background
The French Apple Association considers the presence of Polish apples on shop shelves scandalous. Scandalous is the word used by the National Association of Apples and Pears (ANPP) when it learned
2023-02-22 00:00:00
Scandal over excessive prices for Polish apples in France
The French Apple Association considers the presence of Polish apples on shop shelves scandalous. Scandalous is the word used by the National Association of Apples and Pears (ANPP) when it learned