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2023-06-29 00:00:00
Germany: Cherry harvest in 2023 expected to be 6.7 per cent lower than in the previous year
German fruit growers expect a smaller cherry harvest this summer than in the 2022 harvest year. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) following an initial harvest estimate as of
2023-06-21 00:00:00
Sour cherry season kicks off in Ukraine with a delay but much higher prices
Ukrainian growers have started their sour cherry season last week. However, first large shipments of Ukrainian sour cherries appeared in the market only this week, as reported by EastFruit. The
2023-06-21 00:00:00
Sour cherry season kicks off in Ukraine with a delay but much higher prices
Ukrainian growers have started their sour cherry season last week. However, first large shipments of Ukrainian sour cherries appeared in the market only this week, as reported by EastFruit. The
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Late spring rain damages Hungary’s early 2023 cherry crop
Heavy late spring rain across Hungary last week caused significant cracking damage to early season cherry orchards. “The damage is reportedly widespread, even some sweet cherries under plastic
2023-03-20 00:00:00
Hungary expects normal 2023 cherry harvest season
As relatively good, warm spring weather continues across Hungary, producers in the country expect a normal 2023 cherry harvest of about 10 000 tons again. The harvest is due to start with the