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2023-05-22 00:00:00
Shift among growers in India from traditional Thompson to Crimson variety
The Indian grape season is wrapping up to a close. According to Amit Chopde, CEO of Indian fresh produce exporter Chopde Farms and Exports, the season has been quite successful, and was extended
2023-04-06 00:00:00
'South Africa dominated table grape market'
In the table grape segment, South Africa, as usual, provided by far the bulk of the volumes, followed by seedless light varieties from Peru and Thompson Seedless from India and Chile. Other
2023-03-24 00:00:00
“The Chinese market is doing well for Australian grapes"
The Australian grape harvest is well underway and growers are looking at a much better harvest this year, the season started slightly late but the quality and colour is looking very good. “The
2023-03-23 00:00:00
Yet more rain could spell quickened end to South African grapes
In the Hex River Valley grape growers are warily watching threatening skies, again, as yet more rain is predicted for the Western Cape. “If it rains now it’ll cause big problems and the season
2023-02-28 00:00:00
Braun (Kiku): 'Crimson Snow club apple is going strong'
Club apple projects are yielding positive results. At Fruit Logistica, Kiku told us about the one on Crimson Snow. "It is going well,' explains Jurgen Braun, Kiku's managing director. 'It is an