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2023-07-21 00:00:00
Raspberry and currant buying 2023: was the price fall inevitable?
There has been a sharp fall in the prices of both raspberries and currants. The prices in the previous two seasons were absolutely record-breaking, but too high in relation to market realities,"
2023-07-20 00:00:00
Maliszewski: fruit growers cannot sell fruit without knowing the price
The tragedy of the fruit grower today is that, when producing fruit, he does not know if he will sell it and for how much. It cannot go on like this! - says Mirosław Maliszewski, President of the
2023-07-20 00:00:00
Growing watermelon in Poland. The fruit can be exceptionally sweet and aromatic
Arbutus is successfully grown in the South of Mazovia, among other places. What factors determine the success of the crop?.More. Go to the article
2023-07-20 00:00:00
Storms and hailstorms in the Tyrol. Damage to 500 ha of crops
A storm front with storms, hail and rain passed through Austria last Tuesday. In the Tyrol there was severe damage to agriculture throughout the area..More. Go to the article
2023-07-19 00:00:00
Forest berry prices 2023 - where is it more expensive and where is it cheaper?
The forest berry season is underway. In mid-July, a "rash" of these fruits is usually expected in the forests, but due to the drought, the situation varies greatly across the
2023-07-19 00:00:00
Currants 2023: Recipients not willing to offer higher prices
Blackcurrant rates are a negative surprise for growers. Just a few months ago, it seemed that prices for blackcurrants would be much higher.More. Go to the article
2023-07-19 00:00:00
State purchase of raspberries only for a select few? Pathology occurs
Lublin growers complain about irregularities in raspberry purchases operating on behalf of companies designated by the State Treasury company. Raspberry growers claim that at the purchases the
2023-07-19 00:00:00
Horrendous gooseberry price in a well-known chain. At the buying stations - pennies
The price of gooseberries has once again sparked outrage. Gooseberry prices are being hiked in the retail chains, with producers getting a fraction of the price.More. Go to the article
2023-07-18 00:00:00
Storms hit raspberries. Will prices shoot up?
The summer raspberry season is underway. Due to drought and storms, we are experiencing interruptions in the supply of dessert raspberries to the Bronisze market. What is happening to wholesale
2023-07-18 00:00:00
Lower prices for raspberries and currants. What about cherries?
The 2023 buying season for these fruits has started with lower prices for raspberries and blackcurrants.What will it be like for cherries?More. Go to the article
2023-07-18 00:00:00
Redcurrants 2023: There will be no breaking of the bad streak
Already at the beginning of the season, low prices for redcurrants were forecast. Some buyers came out with a rate of 0.50-0.60 PLN/kg, some do not accept these fruits at all.
2023-07-18 00:00:00
Further falls in raspberry prices. "Access to government purchase not for all"
Last week, raspberries cost an average of £4.80/kg for the first quality grade and £4.30/kg for the second grade. At the beginning of this week, however, prices were reduced. For first class
2023-07-18 00:00:00
Further falls in raspberry prices. "Not everyone has access to government purchase"
Last week, raspberries cost an average of £4.80/kg for the first quality grade and £4.30/kg for the second grade. At the beginning of this week, however, prices were reduced. For first class
2023-07-18 00:00:00
Demand for apples continues to disappoint
At the beginning of June'23, apple stocks in Poland were 13.7% lower y-o-y (-20% y-o-y in May) and in EU countries by 23.4% (per WAPA), reported the publication Agro Navigator of Bank PKO BP.More.
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Drought in orchards. Water shortages in all provinces
Agricultural drought is present in all provinces, the Institute of Fertilisation and Soil Science - National Research Institute reported on Monday. The greatest water deficit is in the Kashubian
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Not many peaches in the Bronisze. Apricots hold their price
Polish apricots and still small batches of peaches are available on the Bronisze wholesale market. How much do they cost?.More. Go to the article
2023-07-17 00:00:00
More supply of blueberries in the Bronisches. What is happening to prices?
Polish blueberries are increasing on the Bronisze wholesale market. Will the increased supply force wholesale prices down?".More. Go to the article
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Chaos at blackcurrant procurement. "The price is causing a lot of tension and controversy"
The price of 1 kg of blackcurrants from this year's first delivery is 17% of last year's value. A total shock. I wonder how the processing industry constructs the price for products produced
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Lidl is again promoting non-ideal fruit and vegetables. This time "tanned" tomatoes
The Lidl Poland shop chain has once again decided to introduce imperfect fruit and vegetables to its offer. This time, the chain's offer will include "tanned" tomatoes..More. Go to the article
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Cherry prices 2023 - why such a wide disparity?
Trading of cherries continues at the Bronisze wholesale market. Depending on the variety and the quality of the goods, the prices of these fruits are still highly variable..More. Go to the article
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Plums in the Bronisze: current prices of popular varieties
National plums are available on the Bronisze wholesale market. Initially, the trade was dominated by smaller varieties, but now the first batches of large-fruited varieties are appearing.More. Go
2023-07-15 00:00:00
Few forest berries in wholesale. What prices?
The season for forest berries has begun in earnest. However, it turns out that the availability of these fruits in the trade is not satisfactory.More. Go to the article
2023-07-15 00:00:00
Will raspberry self-harvesting become a hit? Growers welcome to plantations
After the Kamchatka berry, the time has come for the self-harvesting of raspberries. This initiative by growers is generating great interest.More. Go to the article
2023-07-15 00:00:00
Blackcurrant buying resumed. "Huge price uncertainty"
Blackcurrant buying started in the middle of last week. Since Monday, factories no longer accepted the goods. As we were informed by one of the growers from the Mazovia region, the purchase of
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Poland the 6th largest blueberry producer in the world and the largest in Europe
The Polish market is 40 million people. In 2023, per capita consumption reached 1.83 kg/person. According to Agronometrics Global Trade Data, which will form part of the IBO Global State of the