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w kategorii: / News / Logistics news
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Iconic Chiquita buses are back to brighten the streets of London
For the ninth consecutive year, Chiquita is participating in the London bus campaign to bring back its iconic yellow banana buses to London this summer. The seven, fully-electric buses will run
2023-07-17 00:00:00
Ministry of Ag starts legal procedures against eight Ecuadorian exporters for alleged falsification of shipping plans
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) announces that it has started legal procedures against eight banana exporting companies for alleged falsehood in the declarations of shipping plans.
2023-07-12 00:00:00
Del Monte chooses paper bands for bananas
Del Monte looks at the environment and takes a step towards the sustainability of its packs by replacing plastic banana bands with paper bands. The choice, it is estimated, will lead to a saving
2023-06-27 00:00:00
Chiquita joins SAI Platform for Sustainable Agriculture and Farm Optimisation
As a global agricultural company, Chiquita recognises its responsibility to the tropics - the climate zone where the company has grown its bananas for more than a century due to the conditions.
2023-06-19 00:00:00
"Despite coating, controlled ripening of the fruit is still possible"
In no other product category is spoilage and thus waste as high as in overseas goods such as bananas, mangos, avocados and co. Due to the long transport routes, tons of fruit exotics end up in the
2023-06-15 00:00:00
Uzbekistan improves banana import logistics
EastFruit analysts draw attention to the continued increase in the efficiency of the banana trade in Uzbekistan, which allows them to reduce wholesale prices relative to other countries. In
2023-06-14 00:00:00
Uzbekistan improves banana import logistics
EastFruit analysts draw attention to the continued increase in the efficiency of banana trade in Uzbekistan, which allows them to reduce wholesale price relative to other countries. In particular,
2023-06-13 02:00:00
Coles awards sustainability grants
Coles has awarded Australian producers A$3.6m in grants from its Coles Nature Fund to drive innovation and sustainability. A number of fresh produce operations are among the eight recipients in
2023-06-08 09:00:00
ASPROCAN launches project for greater sustainability in Canary Islands banana supply
ASPROCAN, the Association of Canary Islands Banana Producers, has rolled out a new research project “Plátano de Canarias y los Retos 2030”, which aims to provide practical solutions to
2023-06-05 00:00:00
Between €10-15 millions worth of cocaine found in banana shipment
In Široki Brijeg, a large amount of cocaine was found in boxes of bananas. These were sent to a company in the town of Trn, which deals with the import and export of fruits and vegetables. While
2023-06-02 00:00:00
This week in Fruchthandel Magazine: European Sustainability Forum, Bananas - a commodity guide
Climate change is having a significant impact on global rainfall patterns. As the planet warms, the atmosphere can store more moisture, leading to more intense and frequent rainfall in some
2023-05-31 00:00:00
Global Nature Fund: Mainstreaming biodiversity in tropical supply chains is possible
For about four and a half years, experts from the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ, the Global Nature Fund (GNF) and the Lake Constance Foundation have been developing and
2023-05-31 00:00:00
"Great potential for LNG and hydrogen trucks"
Consumption of overseas items, such as bananas, traditionally declines somewhat in the summer. "From February to May, we are usually at full capacity in this area, as a lot of fruit is consumed
2023-05-30 00:00:00
Q-Cav4, Australia's first genetically modified banana
A Cavendish variety banana, genetically modified by Queensland University of Technology and highly resistant to Panama disease TR4, has been submitted for approval by the Australian government,
2023-05-26 11:00:00
SanLucar goes digital with Hispatec
SanLucar has chosen Hispatec Agrointeligencia as its technology partner to carry out the digital transformation of its agricultural operations. The multinational currently has its own production
2023-05-25 22:00:00
Fast-track breeding brings TR4 resistant bananas a step closer
New gene editing techniques are powering the race to develop TR4 resistant bananas. Two different approaches were presented during the first day of the International Banana Congress in Miami –
2023-05-25 22:00:00
Fast-track breeding brings TR4 resistant bananas a step closer
New gene editing techniques are powering the race to develop TR4 resistant bananas. Two different approaches were presented during the first day of the International Banana Congress in Miami –
2023-05-24 00:00:00
Empowering growers with a sustainable solution against Banana Panama Disease (TR4)
Founded in 2016, Tropic emerged in the United Kingdom, with one mission: to address the unique challenges faced by farmers in tropical regions through cutting-edge genetic innovation. With coffee
2023-05-15 00:00:00
Spreafico innovates fruit salads with banana
Hitherto in ready-to-eat fruit salads there was one big absentee: the banana. The handling of the fruit, which tends to blacken quickly, has always seemed too complicated for fourth range
2023-05-15 08:00:00
New genetically modified banana to tackle TR4
A Queensland University of Technology-developed, genetically modified (GM) variety of Cavendish banana, that is highly resistant to Panama Disease TR4, has been submitted for regulatory approval
2023-05-01 00:00:00
Georgian retail chains can save $2.2 million on bananas alone by switching to pooling!
According to Fedir Rybalko, international consultant of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Georgian supermarkets are not yet using many promising opportunities to
2023-04-25 00:00:00
Quebec wholesaler opens new facility and discusses summer programs
Canadawide is getting wider. Just recently, the Montreal, Quebec-based produce wholesaler opened a new facility just 10 minutes away from the company's current operations. With that new space, it
2023-04-25 00:00:00
Eurobanana returns to the Swiss market
It was in 2016 when the organisation of banana producers from the Canary Islands, Europlátano, entered the Swiss market through Coop Suisse, one of the most important distribution chains in the
2023-04-25 00:00:00
Second edition of the Banana Awards
The Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador (AEBE), promotes the recognition "Banana Awards", which for the second time took place on the night of April 19 in the city of Guayaquil. Marianela
2023-04-24 15:00:00
2nd Banana Awards honour sustainability of Ecuador’s banana sector
The Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador (AEBE) held its second annual Banana Awards last week in Guayaquil to recognise the commitment of the banana sector to promoting innovation and