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2023-07-11 00:00:00
Bronisze: low prices for blueberries. Few cherries and strawberries
Today's demand for blueberries in the Broniscus was very high. Despite strong buyer interest, prices are lower than last time..More. Go to the article
2023-07-05 00:00:00
Strawberry and raspberry prices at the beginning of July (4.07.2023)
Strawberry prices have been on the rise in recent days, but due to the accumulated supply of raw material in recent days, prices have returned to last week's levels, hopefully temporarily. At the
2023-07-05 00:00:00
Strawberry prices 2023: Current rates are at embarrassing levels
We estimate that this cold spring of ours, followed by frosts, has resulted in the fact that there may be about 40 per cent fewer strawberries even nationally than last year. And yet prices were
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Lidl proud of low prices of Polish raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries
The Lidl chain of shops has come out with a new promotion. It is now boasting low prices for Polish berries.More. Go to the article
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Raspberry prices are falling. Strawberry and raspberry quotations from 29.06.2023
In today's review of quotations, strawberry prices remain at a similar level throughout Poland. High-quality fruit is scarce, which is why, for example, according to announcements from the
2023-06-28 00:00:00
Low strawberry procurement prices. Will production be reduced?
The main strawberry season is slowly coming to an end, at least as far as the harvest of fruit for processing is concerned. At the collection points in most areas of the country, much less fruit
2023-06-28 00:00:00
Bronisze: Higher wholesale strawberry prices. Prices of raspberries disappoint
There is a scarcity of nice strawberries in the Bronisze, thus prices have gone up. On the other hand, the large supply of raspberries at the wholesaler means that rates have fallen
2023-06-23 00:00:00
Collusion at strawberry farms? Prices are unduly depressed
Purchasing of strawberries for processing continues. At the beginning of the week, we reported on an upward trend in prices. However, we have started to receive information about unjustified
2023-06-22 00:00:00
Prices for strawberries and raspberries from 22.06.2023
We present another summary of strawberry and raspberry prices on the wholesale market. At the exchanges, we are seeing a renewed decline in quotations. The exception is the New Przybojewo Market,
2023-06-20 00:00:00
Current prices for strawberries on wholesale markets (20.06.2023)
Analysing today's price quotations for strawberries on wholesale markets, a slight increase is noticeable, but the profitability of production is still in question. On the Bronisze exchange, we
2023-06-15 00:00:00
What are the prices of strawberries at the Golawin Exchange? "Buyers are waiting for strawberries"
The morning passed under the sign of fleeting rainfall. The weather is improving and thus trade at the exchanges is booming. How is the strawberry trade going at the Golawin Exchange? Coordinators
2023-06-15 00:00:00
Prices for strawberries and raspberries on wholesale markets on 15.06.2023
The uninspiring situation on the wholesale strawberry market continues. Hopes for better prices are brought by the announced cooling and rainfall. Despite the fact that buyers from Lithuania have
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Strawberry buying prices 2023 - how much are they?
Author: Sylwia Sałyga 13 June 2023 15:02 First purchasers in the ware region and in the Lublin region started buying industrial strawberries last weekend. What are the prices at the buying
2023-06-12 00:00:00
Strawberry prices have reached the bottom. Could it get even cheaper?
Author: Aneta Gwara-Tarczyńska 12 June 2023 11:12 Strawberry prices are far from growers' expectations. Rates are dramatically low. Unfortunately, the situation on the strawberry market is far
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Golawin exchange: "Many sellers, few buyers". Low strawberry prices [Update].
Strawberry season is kicking off. How is the fruit sale going at the Golawin Exchange before the long weekend? The coordinators of the Golawin Exchange report that on Wednesday (07.06) in the
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Golawin Exchange: "Many sellers, fewer buyers". What prices for strawberries and raspberries?
Strawberry season is kicking off. How is the fruit sale going at the Golawin Exchange before the long weekend? The coordinators of the Golawin Exchange report that on Wednesday (07.06) in the
2023-06-06 00:00:00
First strawberry buying prices. "Someone got out in front"
In the strawberry industry, the first purchase prices for industrial strawberries are emerging. According to growers, the first proposed rates are, to put it mildly, "hopeless". Information about
2023-06-06 00:00:00
First strawberry buying prices. "Someone got out in front"
First purchase prices for industrial strawberries are emerging in the strawberry industry. According to growers, the first proposed rates are, to put it mildly, "hopeless". Information about the
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Prices are falling! Strawberries and raspberries on wholesale markets (6.06.2023)
Today's price statement sees another drop in strawberry prices. The domestic fruit is still arriving, so buyers want to keep rates as low as possible. At Lódz Wholesale Market a kilo of
2023-06-03 00:00:00
[Update] Weak trading at the Golawin Exchange. Strawberry prices have fallen
Saturday trading at the popular strawberry exchange is not going the way of the growers. Buyers are scarce and prices have fallen. As of 10.30 a.m., strawberry trade at the Golawin Exchange was
2023-06-03 00:00:00
Weak trade at the Golawin Exchange. Strawberry prices have fallen
Saturday trading at the popular strawberry exchange is not going the way of the growers. Buyers are scarce and prices have fallen. As of 10.30 a.m., strawberry trade at the Golawin Exchange was
2023-06-02 00:00:00
Stable prices for strawberries. How much will we pay for this fruit on wholesale markets?
On the popular Golawin Exchange, the availability of strawberries is increasing. What are the prices of individual varieties? According to the coordinators, today (2.06) at 10.50 a.m., one has to
2023-06-01 00:00:00
Strawberry prices 2023: low supply, high traffic. Goods are going off at a moment's notice
The strawberry trade situation has improved. After a temporary dip in prices, current rates per lupine of strawberries have improved. Today's strawberry asking prices started with good prices.
2023-05-31 00:00:00
Prices for strawberries and raspberries from 1.06.2023
In today's comparison (1.06.2023) we see slightly more favourable price values for strawberry producers. There is an increasing range of varieties available on the market, as well as a smaller
2023-05-31 00:00:00
Golawin Exchange: Strawberry prices up slightly
The last few days have been a merry-go-round of declines in wholesale strawberry prices. How is today's trading going at the Golawin Exchange? According to the coordinators of Poland's most