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Interest in apples of red varieties

2012-05-21 14:47
Źródło: fresh-market.pl (KZ)/jbg

The supply of red apples is low and not enough to satisfy growing demand. As exporters say it is difficult to buy big volume of apples as Jonagored, Champion or Gloster. They have to buy products from few different producers. Decreasing supply and higher demand influence prices of red apples which have increased recently.
Purchase price of red varieties is from 1.30 – 1.50 PLN/ kg size 70+ (depending on variety). The same concerns bigger fruits in size 80+ which cost from 1.50 – 1.70 PLN/ kg. Everything depends on variety, color and quality. Ligol is at about 0.10 PLN cheaper and cost 1.40 – 1.50 PLN/ kg.

Słowa kluczowe: apples
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