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Kup teraz abonament!

Market is full of vegetables

2012-03-16 08:00
Źródło: fresh-market.pl (ms)

The supply on the wholesale market has increased recently. On the market there are again producers who couldn’t trade in February. “there is such big amount of goods on the market that it’s impossible to sell everything” says one of producers operating near Warsaw.

What is worse bigger supply didn’t go hand in hand with the demand. Lower interest in vegetables (Chinese cabbage, carrot) is on the domestic as well as abroad. Such situation caused lower prices of vegetables like celeriac, parsley, potatoes. Prices of carrot and Chinese cabbage decreased due to lack of high quality goods.

Producers are afraid of next drops in prices. The increase in demand is expected before Easter, however in case of big supply it might be not enough to stop decreasing prices.

Słowa kluczowe: parsley, cabbage, carrot, supplies, prices
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