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2023-02-21 00:00:00
Ecuadorian broccoli exports to Japan increased by 23%
Ecuador is exporting more and more broccoli to international markets. In 2022, Ecuadorian broccoli exports to the Japanese market increased by 23% over the previous year, totaling $74 million,
2023-02-21 00:00:00
Current date market and demand very good for Israeli exporter
The current date market and demand are both very good, noted Israeli exporter Avi Dugal from Agrifood Marketing, an Israeli dates exporter. He is also happy about a weaker Shekel that allows more
2023-02-21 00:00:00
Peru: Mango exports up seven per cent in volume so far
From the beginning of the 2022/23 season until the end of January, the Andean country exported 164,985 t of mangoes, refers to the Peruvian Association of Mango Producers and Exporters
2023-02-20 17:00:00
Logistical issues continue to impact Turkish exporters
The impact of the 6 February earthquake in southern Turkey and northern Syria, the strongest to hit the region in decades, has been widespread – the lives lost, the huge numbers affected, the
2023-02-20 00:00:00
Turkish pomegranate season nearing its end, volumes decreasing
The pomegranate season in Turkey is about to come to an end. The weather had caused volumes to be a bit lower, said Ali Aslanali, general manager for Turkish fresh produce exporter Göknur.
2023-02-20 00:00:00
Indian table grape season moving towards a good pace
After a few weeks’ delay, the grape season in India is finally picking up the pace. Sagar Deore, director for Indian produce exporter Janki Freshyard Private Limited, says a later start of the
2023-02-17 03:00:00
Vietnam exports to China surge
Vietnamese fruit exporters have welcomed improved access to the Chinese market, with orders and prices surging at the start of 2023. According to reports fromVnExpress, trade has reinvigorated
2023-02-17 00:00:00
Peru diverts its grape exports to closer markets due to the protests in the country
Alejandro Cabrera, head of the Peruvian association of table grape producers, Provid, told Bloomberg that exporters and producers in the industry were struggling to recover from two weeks of
2023-02-17 00:00:00
Windbound Port of Cape Town not operational since Tuesday
Cape Town is no stranger to wind during summer, in particular the dry Southeasterly wind colloquially called the Cape Doctor. Capetonians say it has been blowing stronger than usual this year, as
2023-02-17 00:00:00
ZSRP calls for help for fruit growers. To what extent?
Polish apples can be bought in Vietnam, the Arab Emirates, India or Colombia. Soon also in Indonesia and Malaysia. However, the new markets do not compensate for the losses caused by the closure
2023-02-17 00:00:00
Peru rethinks grape exports in wake of protests
Peruvian grape producers and exporters are being forced to adapt their shipping programmes in the wake of the social unrest that swept through the country last month, blocking roads and access to
2023-02-17 00:00:00
Polish apples enjoy strong demand for most popular export varieties
The Polish apples are doing better in 2023 than they were doing in December of last year. Mateusz Wajnert, head of sales for Polish apple exporter Galster, states there is good demand for the
2023-02-17 00:00:00
ZSRP calls for aid mechanisms to be put in place
Polish apples can be bought in Vietnam, the Arab Emirates, India or Colombia. Soon also in Indonesia and Malaysia. However, the new markets do not compensate for the losses caused by the closure
2023-02-17 00:00:00
Peruvian table grape farm exports record 4,306 containers worldwide
A new export record for a single company in Peru was set with 4 306 containers and 9 155 211 boxes (8.2 kg) of table grapes exported to different markets around the world during the 2022/2023
2023-02-16 00:00:00
Egyptian spring onion shortage leads to 80% price increase
Prices for Egyptian spring onions have significantly increased. According to Mai Yassin, export manager at Egyptian fresh produce exporter Stars of Export, this is due a shortage of spring onions
2023-02-16 00:00:00
"New software should increase productivity"
When Dutch fruit and vegetable wholesaler, importer, and exporter Willem Dijk AGF's software became outdated, director Willem Dijk jr. went in search of a replacement package that would meet the
2023-02-16 00:00:00
Peru switches to closer target markets for grape exports
After the protest blockades were lifted at the end of January, grape producers and exporters in the Ica region are trying to get back to normal. However, they are only succeeding with difficulty,
2023-02-16 00:00:00
Persimmons: few players, short season
A limited number of countries dominate the global persimmon market. China is, by far, the biggest producer; Spain, the leading exporter. Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan export significant quantities,
2023-02-16 00:00:00
“The market needs the Gala, Golden, Mutsu and Prince varieties right now”
The cost of storing apples is leading to price increases for the apples themselves, says Janusz Kawęczyński, president of Polish apple exporter Fruit-Group: “It’s very hard to calculate
2023-02-15 00:00:00
"Chile will export 67.1 million boxes of table grapes"
The fifth estimate of the Table Grape Committee of the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile AG (ASOEX) maintained the export volume forecast. “We are making a new estimate, in which shipments
2023-02-15 00:00:00
Start of export campaign for Tunisian seasonal fruits
The Tunisian strawberry export campaign began in late January and will last until May, with stable volumes compared to the previous season, said Mohamed Sadok of the exporter CarthagoExpo. "Our
2023-02-15 00:00:00
Grape exporters looking forward to smoother exports
Table grapes from Western Australia will be packed into shipping containers and exported to China over the coming weeks, with improved global shipping container rates and transit times a welcome
2023-02-15 00:00:00
Philippines ready to increase durian exports to China
The Philippines' Department of Agriculture will expand the production of durian by training more local farmers, following the signing of an export agreement with China, a huge market that will
2023-02-15 00:00:00
Eksporterzy winogron oczekują na ułatwienia w eksporcie
Winogrona stołowe z Australii Zachodniej będą pakowane do kontenerów transportowych i eksportowane do Chin w ciągu najbliższych tygodni, z ulepszonymi globalnymi stawkami
2023-02-15 00:00:00
Экспортеры винограда надеются на более спокойный экспорт
В ближайшие недели столовый виноград из Западной Австралии будет упакован в морские контейнеры и