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2023-05-10 00:00:00
New basil variety helps indoor grower to differentiate
With basil being one of the most, if not the most, popular fresh herb that consumers want to cook with, one indoor grower is introducing a new basil product just in time for spring. Square Roots
2023-05-08 00:00:00
Lemon Prim promotes the organoleptic qualities of lemons
Lemon Prim positions itself to the public as an objectively superior lemon, presenting itself without artifice, without aesthetic touch-ups and without distraction from what really matters: its
2023-05-04 00:00:00
"Despite the historic drop in Verna lemon production, demand is slow and very harsh on prices"
The Verna lemon harvest began some days ago and the season has been taking shape as the last batches of Fino lemons, whose campaign has been extended to the maximum this year, are coming to an
2023-05-03 00:00:00
"South Africa has good citrus crop, but also many hurdles to overcome"
The arrival of the first grapefruit and mandarins heralds the start of the South African citrus season at Origin Fruit Direct in the Netherlands. The first lemons are also expected by the end of
2023-05-02 00:00:00
Lemon exports from Argentina expected to continue increasing
Lemon harvesting in Argentina has kicked off. “Our harvest started April 10,” says Mariano Sangronis with Citromax. Usually, harvest begins mid-March for the company, but an unexpected drought
2023-05-02 09:00:00
Limoneira launches ‘Catch the Citrus Wave’
Limoneira is helping North American consumers soak up the summertime vibes. The US-based company has launched the ‘Catch the Citrus Wave’ campaign. The marketing push is based around colourful
2023-05-02 00:00:00
Spanish lemon Verna season kicks off
The Spanish lemon Verna season has kicked off as the Fino lemon season has ended according to the Lemon and Grapefruit Interprofessional Association (AILIMPO). The Verna season is complemented by
2023-04-28 00:00:00
"Our lemons sell at higher prices than the competition"
PGI lemons from Rocca Imperiale sold under the Limoré brand are known not only in Italy, but in Europe as well. What makes them stand out against the competition is not only the quality, but also
2023-04-28 00:00:00
LemonGold seedless lemons unlock markets for the “new salt”
“Seedless lemons have been called the holy grail of the citrus industry with its novel solution to the frustrations of fishing out pips from freshly squeezed juice,” says Abs van Rooyen,
2023-04-28 00:00:00
"Early end to Spanish and Moroccan citrus seasons offers chances for South Africa"
The first lemons arriving at SFI Rotterdam kicked off the South African citrus season. Grapefruit in week 19 and mandarins in weeks 19/20 will follow. "The Spanish and Moroccan citrus seasons
2023-04-28 00:00:00
New citrus import dashboard now available on California Citrus Mutual website
California Citrus Mutual is excited to launch a new citrus import dashboard that is now available on our website. The new dashboard tracks imports of lemons, oranges, grapefruit, clementines and
2023-04-28 00:00:00
"Наши лимоны продаются по более высоким ценам, чем у конкурентов"
ЛимоныPGI из Rocca Imperiale, продаваемые под маркой Limoré, известны не только в Италии, но и в Европе. На фоне
2023-04-28 00:00:00
"Nasze cytryny sprzedają się w wyższych cenach niż konkurencja"
PGI cytryny z Rocca Imperiale sprzedawane pod marką Limoré są znane nie tylko we Włoszech, ale i w Europie. To co wyróżnia je na tle konkurencji to nie tylko jakość, ale również
2023-04-25 00:00:00
Danish BAR DJUS supplies 100% natural lime, lemon, and ginger juice to food service
What's in a name? Bar(e) does not only mean 'cocktail bar' in Danish, but also 'only', and djus is a misspelling of 'juice' except in the Faroe Islands. This autonomous archipelago within the
2023-04-24 17:00:00
Salix Fruits reports smooth transition in citrus supply
Salix Fruits is reporting a steady arrival of citrus as the Northern Hemisphere citrus season draws to a close and the Southern Hemisphere season begins. According to CEO Alejandro Moralejo, South
2023-04-24 00:00:00
"We have to target new market access as new plantings come into production"
The South African citrus industry has expanded significantly in recent years and with certain types of citrus, mainly mandarins and lemons with a young tree age, production is set to increase
2023-04-21 00:00:00
“It's hard to defend orange prices that compensate their high production costs and can compete with the Egyptian orange”
The Spanish citrus campaign is already entering its final stretch. In general, producers have achieved good prices this year and it's been harder for businesses to obtain profits. The mandarin
2023-04-20 00:00:00
How are imported citrus shipments looking?
With the Northern Hemisphere citrus season ending and the Southern Hemisphere season beginning, shipments of citrus are arriving steadily. Lemons: “The first week of April, RSA (South Africa)
2023-04-19 00:00:00
Japanese market interested in Limone Costa Tramontana products
“This spring in Sicily is being characterized by the interest of the Japanese market for the lemon groves on the eastern part of the island. Thanks to the collaboration between Agrumi-Gel and
2023-04-19 00:00:00
Preparing for Spanish Verna lemon campaign with the prospect of earlier arrivals from South Africa
The Fino lemon season is coming to an end as the first Verna lemons are starting to arrive. In this period, there are two different market realities at origin, according to the Lemon and
2023-04-18 00:00:00
Argentina: Citrus production could drop significantly in 2023 due to climatic conditions
A production decline of 20 % is expected for lemons and up to 35 % for oranges and mandarins. Calibres are significantly smaller due to high temperatures and resulting heat stress, José