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2023-07-04 00:00:00
Sormac expands its delivery programme with Felcon machines
Felcon B.V., formerly known as Feltracon B.V., has been developing machines for vegetable and fruit processing for many years. Felcon has become a household name with its vertical centrifuges for
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Ukraina: ceny cebuli w dół ze względu na rosnącą podaż nowych krajowych upraw
Podaż krajowej wczesnej cebuli jest obecnie znacznie wyższa niż popyt, donosi EastFruit. W związku z tym sezonowy wzrost podaży zmusza ukraińskich rolników do aktywnego obniżania cen
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Украина: цены на лук снижаются из-за растущего предложения нового отечественного урожая
Предложение отечественного раннего лука в настоящее время значительно превышает спрос, сообщает EastFruit.
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Ukraine: onion prices down due to growing supply of new domestic crop
The supply of domestic early onions is currently much higher than the demand, reports EastFruit. Thus, a seasonal rise in the supply forces Ukrainian farmers to actively reduce their prices for
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement leads to tariff cuts for Australian onions
Europe’s current high onion prices are driven by the heatwave and drought in last summer’s growing season. Tariff cuts under the A-UKFTA, which came into effect on 31 May 2023, are enabling
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Vegetable prices have changed in Ukraine
In the Ukrainian market, the range of vegetables is expanding. Shortages of summer vegetables and high demand have raised their prices. Young beetroot is offered for 1-1.20 euros, carrots sell for
2023-06-29 00:00:00
“It’s been a mad dash to get orders in before the July 4th holiday next week”
MARKETCentral Valley, CA/New Mexico:John Vlahandreas with Wada Farms provided his report from his Salem, OR, office on June 28. “It’s been a mad dash to get orders in before the July 4th
2023-06-28 00:00:00
Continuous rains affect Navi Mumbai onion prices
Traders at the onion and potato market of the Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) in Vashi have incurred huge losses when tons of onions got soaked in rain. Most of the goods could no
2023-06-28 00:00:00
Mitolo Family Farms and Detpak bag sustainable Australian packaging innovation
Australia’s potato and onion category player Mitolo Family Farms has partnered with Coles as well as global innovators in sustainable packaging solutions Detpak to create what is believed to be
2023-06-28 00:00:00
“The onion industry deserves more recognition"
This week, Minister Jo-Anne Marie Luxton, Minister of Customs and Associate Minister for Agriculture and Education, gave a speech, focused on the Sustainable Food and Fibres Future Project. She
2023-06-28 00:00:00
"Branża cebulowa zasługuje na większe uznanie"
W tym tygodniu minister Jo-Anne Marie Luxton, minister ds. ceł i minister rolnictwa i edukacji, wygłosiła przemówienie poświęcone projektowi przyszłości zrównoważonej
2023-06-28 00:00:00
"Луковая индустрия заслуживает большего признания"
На этой неделе министр Джо-Энн Мари Лакстон, министр таможни и помощник министра сельского хозяйства и
2023-06-27 00:00:00
Turkey and Uzbekistan are boosting produce trade
As part of the Preferential Trade Agreement signed between Turkey and Uzbekistan, customs duties on imports of a number of goods from Uzbekistan were canceled, reports. The decision and
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Луковый пузырь: Что будут делать фермеры со всем этим луком, начиная с августа?
По данным аналитиков EastFruit, многие страны региона резко расширили площади под луком под влиянием рекордных
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Cebulowa bańka: Co rolnicy zrobią z cebulą od sierpnia?
Według analityków EastFruit, wiele krajów w regionie drastycznie zwiększyło areał upraw cebuli pod wpływem rekordowych cen i silnego popytu na tę uprawę na rynkach Europy
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Onion bubble: What will farmers do with all these onions from August onwards?
According to EastFruit analysts, many countries in the region have dramatically expanded the area under onions under the influence of record prices and strong demand for this crop in the markets
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Türkiye and Uzbekistan boosting produce trade – import duties lifted for Uzbek onions and plums
As part of the Preferential Trade Agreement signed between Turkey and Uzbekistan, customs duties on imports of a number of goods from Uzbekistan were canceled, reports. The decision and
2023-06-25 00:00:00
Экспорт египетского лука в Великобританию почти достиг рекордного уровня
За первые девять месяцев текущего МГ 2022/23 (август-июль) Египет отгрузил в Великобританию 19 400 тонн лука.
2023-06-25 00:00:00
Egipski eksport cebuli do Wielkiej Brytanii prawie osiągnął rekordowy poziom
Egipt wysłał 19 400 ton cebuli do Wielkiej Brytanii w ciągu pierwszych dziewięciu miesięcy bieżącego MY 2022/23 (sierpień-lipiec). Taki wolumen okazał się niemal rekordowy dla tego
2023-06-25 00:00:00
Egyptian onion exports to UK almost reach record high
Egypt shipped 19,400 tonnes of onions to the UK in the first nine months of the current MY 2022/23 (August-July). Such a volume has turned out to be almost record high for this period, but the
2023-06-24 00:00:00
Луковый пузырь - что фермеры будут делать со всем этим луком, начиная с августа?
По данным аналитиков EastFruit, многие страны региона резко расширили площади под луком под влиянием рекордных
2023-06-24 00:00:00
Onion bubble – what will farmers do with all these onions from August onwards?
According to EastFruit analysts, many countries in the region have dramatically expanded the area under onions under the influence of record prices and strong demand for this crop in the markets
2023-06-24 00:00:00
Cebulowa bańka - co rolnicy zrobią z cebulą od sierpnia?
Według analityków EastFruit, wiele krajów w regionie drastycznie zwiększyło areał upraw cebuli pod wpływem rekordowych cen i silnego popytu na tę uprawę na rynkach Europy
2023-06-23 00:00:00
The Red Onion of Tropea protagonist on Rai 2
The Tropea Red Onion is gaining space in the national media. In recent days it has been the protagonist of a special episode of Pizza Doc, a Rai 2 television format presented by Tinto and Monica
2023-06-22 00:00:00
Bejo tackles internal damage at a conference on onions
Bejo has held a productive day for all those attending with a single aim, to talk about improving the quality of Spanish onions. To do this, the seed company surrounded itself with specialists who