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2023-05-10 17:00:00
Południowoafrykański detalista walczy z głodem
Południowoafrykański detalista Food Lover's Market uruchomił swoją siódmą inicjatywę in-store Hunger Month, której kulminacją będzie Światowy Dzień Walki z Głodem 28 maja 2023 roku.
2023-05-10 00:00:00
Fruits with fruit fly larvae did not pass quarantine control in the Russian port
The dangerous quarantine object was discovered by inspectors of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance at the Big Seaport in a batch of citrus fruits. During the
2023-05-10 17:00:00
South African retailer rallies to fight hunger
South African retailer Food Lover’s Market has launched its seventh in-store Hunger Month initiative, culminating with World Hunger Day on 28 May 2023. The retailer has secured the support of
2023-05-10 00:00:00
“Arguably, this could be the latest start of Sonora’s grape season ever”
North America is eagerly waiting for Mexico’s Sonora region to kick off table grape harvest. With Chile, Peru and South Africa having finished early, the pipeline is empty. “On top of this,
2023-05-09 12:00:00
Dry weather ahead for Southern Africa
South African agricultural research group Agri Biz has warned that Southern Africa could be heading for drier times over the next few years as the El Niño weather system is replaced by La Niña.
2023-05-09 00:00:00
New Maputo Cold Store will increase fruit export capacity
On 16 May the first cold storage in the Matola Cargo Terminal, an investment by The TLG Group, will be opened, coming right on time for the new citrus season, as planned. Currently all of the
2023-05-09 05:00:00
Smooth transition for citrus crop
The South African citrus sector has been told it can expect a smooth transfer from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere supply season. Referencing data from the World Citrus Organisation (WCO)
2023-05-09 00:00:00
South Africa: Changes in weather systems could affect production
Both agricultural research group Agri Biz and the Citrus Growers' Association (CGA) have warned that southern Africa could face drier times in the coming years as the El Niño weather system is
2023-05-09 00:00:00
Dark times persist for SA’s mushroom industry
Industry experts paint a gloomy outlook for South Africa’s mushroom industry, largely as a direct result of load shedding, high input costs and the closure of two mushroom farms. In the mushroom
2023-05-08 00:00:00
South African strawberry afficionados in for a Woolworths treat
South African retailer Woolworths is always looking to distinguish itself through fruit. This week's introduction of the Florida Pearl white strawberry, wholly unknown to local consumers, follows
2023-05-08 00:00:00
Miłośnicy południowoafrykańskich truskawek będą mieli nie lada gratkę w Woolworths.
Południowoafrykańska sieć handlowa Woolworths zawsze stara się wyróżniać poprzez owoce. Wprowadzenie w tym tygodniu białej truskawki Florida Pearl, zupełnie nieznanej lokalnym
2023-05-08 00:00:00
Южноафриканских любителей клубники ждет угощение от Woolworths
Южноафриканская розничная компания Woolworths всегда стремится отличиться с помощью фруктов. Представление на
2023-05-08 00:00:00
SAAGA encourages South Africans to add an avo (or two) to any meal
Due to the expected increase in avocado volumes (now estimated at 20 million 4 kg cartons for exports) and an early start to the 2023 season, the South African Avocado Growers' Association (SAAGA)
2023-05-05 00:00:00
W tym tygodniu w Fruchthandel Magazine: półkula południowa, Niemcy, Nowa Zelandia
Nowy materiał genetyczny, rosnący globalny popyt i specyficzne luki w podaży na rynku eksportowym doprowadziły do znacznego wzrostu w południowoafrykańskim przemyśle kiwi
2023-05-05 00:00:00
На этой неделе в журнале Fruchthandel: Южное полушарие, Германия, Новая Зеландия
Новый генетический материал, растущий мировой спрос и конкретные недостатки предложения на экспортном
2023-05-05 00:00:00
In Italy, the imported Peruvian Kent mango season is coming to an end with declining quality and consumption, and prices for Brazilian mangoes are stable. South Africa has produced around 120,000
2023-05-05 00:00:00
This week in Fruchthandel Magazine: Southern Hemisphere, Germany, New Zealand
New genetic material, growing global demand and specific supply gaps in the export market have led to significant growth in the South African kiwi industry over the past decade. In 2019, the South
2023-05-04 00:00:00
Niche mango runs the show on Limpopo farm
Reflecting on the previous mango season, which produced higher volumes than initially anticipated, Pieter Buys, chairperson of the South African Mango Growers’ Association, notes that Keitt
2023-05-04 00:00:00
Przemysł kiwi w RPA szybko się rozwija
Nowy materiał genetyczny, rosnący globalny popyt i specyficzne luki w podaży na rynku eksportowym doprowadziły do znacznego wzrostu w południowoafrykańskim przemyśle kiwi
2023-05-04 00:00:00
Индустрия киви в Южной Африке стремительно развивается
Новый генетический материал, растущий мировой спрос и конкретные недостатки предложения на экспортном
2023-05-04 00:00:00
South Africa's kiwi industry is growing rapidly
New genetic material, growing global demand and specific supply gaps in the export market have led to significant growth in the South African kiwi industry over the past decade. In 2019, the South
2023-05-03 00:00:00
"В Южной Африке хороший урожай цитрусовых, но также много препятствий, которые нужно преодолеть"
Поступление первых грейпфрутов и мандаринов возвещает о начале сезона южноафриканских цитрусовых в Origin
2023-05-03 00:00:00
"RPA ma dobre zbiory cytrusów, ale też wiele przeszkód do pokonania"
Przybycie pierwszych grejpfrutów i mandarynek zwiastuje rozpoczęcie sezonu cytrusowego w RPA w Origin Fruit Direct w Holandii. Do końca tego tygodnia spodziewane są
2023-05-03 00:00:00
"South Africa has good citrus crop, but also many hurdles to overcome"
The arrival of the first grapefruit and mandarins heralds the start of the South African citrus season at Origin Fruit Direct in the Netherlands. The first lemons are also expected by the end of