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2023-05-05 00:00:00
Reduced vegetable supply affects prices. Onions in March became 133 per cent more expensive.
The EU vegetable market is subject to clear supply constraints. According to AMI (following S&P Global), EU vegetable production in 2022 declined by 8%. Declines were recorded in all major
2023-05-02 00:00:00
Low onion supply drives prices
The current situation on the onion market is difficult. "Supplies from Belgium and the Netherlands are minimal, which makes trade difficult. There were supposed to be supplies from the new harvest
2023-05-02 00:00:00
Low onion supply drives up prices
The current situation on the onion market is difficult. "Supplies from Belgium and the Netherlands are minimal, which makes trade difficult. There were supposed to be supplies from the new harvest
2023-03-31 00:00:00
Falling onion prices. Massive supply of imported onions to blame
A drop in selling prices was recorded this week on the onion market in Ukraine. The main reason for the downward price trend was the massive supply of imported onions from Poland, Egypt and the
2023-03-21 00:00:00
In Europe, onion prices hit record highs; in India, it's rotting in the fields
Farmers in the western part of India are protesting against onion prices being too low. - Rows of onions are lying on the farms and rotting. Other farmers are burning their crops. Some decide to
2023-03-06 00:00:00
Historic shortage of onions in Ukraine. Prices will rise
Because of harvest problems in the southern regions of Ukraine, far fewer onions have been harvested this season than usual, freshplaza.com reports. In Ukraine, the wholesale price of onions is