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w kategorii: / News / Regions
2023-06-23 00:00:00
Ireland will run out of carrots, beetroot and potatoes
In Ireland, a series of heavy rains followed by hot weather has affected the production of many agricultural commodities. Local media quote agricultural consultant Dr Richard Hackett as predicting
2023-05-08 00:00:00
Through excessive imports, fruit and vegetable producers fear for the future
A meeting with farmers, fruit and vegetable producers who fear for their future through excessive imports of fruit and vegetables from Ukraine, took place in Szydłów in Staszów county, reports
2023-03-06 00:00:00
War and the vegetable market. "Russian imports should be curbed"
Author: Aneta Gwara-Tarczyńska 06 March 2023 10:20 The war in Ukraine has left its mark on the fruit and vegetable market. What can we expect in the coming months? We asked Miroslaw Maliszewski,
2023-02-10 00:00:00
Vegetable imports from Russia. "Winter production in Poland will not pay off"
Author: Albert Katana 11 February 2023 07:12 Tomatoes and cucumbers from Russia are sold unhindered in Poland. Why can the Russians sell to the EU, but we do not boycott Russian goods? Are Polish