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2023-07-07 00:00:00
Maliszewski: reason for raspberry market crisis is large imports from Ukraine
The reason for the raspberry market crisis is the significant imports of frozen raspberries from Ukraine, PSL MP Miroslaw Maliszewski assessed. According to Deputy Agriculture Minister Janusz
2023-07-06 00:00:00
Smith: banning frozen raspberry imports from Ukraine is a priority
Let's tell Brussels: the ban on imports of frozen raspberries from Ukraine is a priority; this decision must be made as soon as possible, Deputy Agriculture Minister Janusz Kowalski said on
2023-06-16 00:00:00
Processor on buying strawberries and imports from Ukraine. "We will not add to the business"
The director of the Eskimos Cold Store in Sokolka talks about the purchase of strawberries and excessive imports of fruit from Ukraine. In his opinion, this year's strawberry season will also be
2023-06-05 00:00:00
EC extends Ukraine import ban until mid-September
Author: PTWP - SadyOgrody.pl 05 June 2023 10:11 The European Commission has extended the EU ban on imports of wheat, maize, rapeseed and sunflower from Ukraine until mid-September, an EU source
2023-05-25 00:00:00
Customs duties on imports of products from Ukraine suspended for another year
The EU Council, the Community's member states, on Thursday adopted a regulation that extends until June 2024 the suspension of duties, quotas and trade protection measures on Ukrainian exports to
2023-05-12 00:00:00
Union allows duty-free trade in fruit from Ukraine for another year
The European Parliament has decided to suspend EU import duties on Ukrainian agricultural products for another year to support the country's economy, reports parkiet.com For the proposal to extend
2023-05-09 00:00:00
EC observes situation on frozen fruit imports from Ukraine
Imports of food products from Ukraine are worrying Polish farmers. The European Commission is looking at the situation in the poultry, egg and fruit markets. The European Commission is looking
2023-05-08 00:00:00
Apple juice and soft fruit imports from Ukraine will be under surveillance
Minister Robert Telus indicated that Poland will monitor imports of apple juice and soft fruit from Ukraine so that it can react quickly in the event of emerging slumps in these markets. On 5 May,
2023-05-02 00:00:00
Fruit imports from Ukraine hit the raspberry market hardest
Today all the blame lies with agricultural imports from Ukraine. That, at least, is what the media coverage suggests. A year ago, national TV stations were proclaiming how wonderful the Poles were
2023-05-02 00:00:00
The impact of Ukrainian imports on the soft fruit market is huge
Today all the blame lies with agricultural imports from Ukraine. That, at least, is what the media coverage suggests. A year ago, national TV stations were proclaiming how wonderful the Poles were
2023-04-30 00:00:00
Poland to lift ban on imports from Ukraine. What about soft fruit?
Author: Paulina Piwowarek 30 April 2023 16:54 As confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Poland plans to "repeal national regulations on the ban on imports of agri-food goods from Ukraine" to
2023-04-29 00:00:00
Poland needs to get out of the import ban from Ukraine. What about soft fruit?
Author: Paulina Piwowarek 29 April 2023 16:54 Poland has to back down from a ban on dozens of agri-food imports from Ukraine to replace them with an EU solution, namely an embargo on wheat, maize,
2023-04-29 00:00:00
Cold stores full of fruit. Will imports from Ukraine spoil the season?
The stockpiles of frozen fruit lingering in freezers could take a toll on this year's season. Fruit growers are sounding the alarm!"The Ministry is continuously monitoring the situation on the
2023-04-26 00:00:00
Plewa at EEC on imports from Ukraine. "Within the EU there cannot be two tariff systems"
Author: PTWP - Food Portal 26 April 2023 09:12 It is not possible in the single European market, which works well, for there to be two tariff systems. Such solutions are not legally possible.
2023-04-26 00:00:00
Will there be a ban on soft fruit and apple juice imports from Ukraine?
On Monday - 24 April - in an online format, a meeting of agriculture ministers was held: Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. This is an informal coalition of five frontline countries,
2023-04-15 00:00:00
ZSRP demands suspension of agricultural imports from Ukraine
The Polish Fruit Growers' Association demands immediate action to stop the import of agricultural products from Ukraine, especially processed fruit, which has a very negative impact on the income
2023-04-14 00:00:00
Cheap imports from Ukraine. "Fruit producers are already affected"
Author: Aneta Gwara-Tarczyńska 13 April 2023 23:08 With Mirosław Maliszewski, president of the Polish Fruit Growers' Association, we talk about apple exports to Egypt and Belarus. We ask about
2023-03-20 00:00:00
Battle over raspberry prices in Serbia. In the background unsold stocks and imports from Ukraine
According to Serbian exporters, raspberry prices this year will no longer be as high as last year. Predrag Oreščanin, owner of a company placing raspberries on the foreign market, said that