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2023-06-08 00:00:00
“Sweden and Morocco are new Xenia pear sales markets”
The Dutch Xenai pear sales season ended earlier than expected, in late April. Xenia Europa's sales manager Raymond van Ojen reflects on a good sales season. "The harvest was similar to last year.
2023-04-26 00:00:00
'Premium pear stands its ground in volatile market environment'
Xenia®, the new pear club variety of the German Fruit Variety Consortium (DOSK), is saying goodbye to the German market after a successful season. Just in time for the pear blossom and Pear Day
2023-04-25 00:00:00
Xenia®: Marketing season successfully concluded
Xenia®, the new pear club variety of the German Fruit Variety Consortium (DOSK), says goodbye to the German market after a successful season. Just in time for the pear blossom and Pear Day on 23
2023-03-09 00:00:00
'Pear imports from South Africa increased'
The end of the European pear season was approaching: availability narrowed. Italian Abate Fetel, Williams Christ and Santa Maria continued to form the basis of the European supply, which was
2021-12-16 12:38:00
Demand for pears consistently high in Poland
Fresh-market.pl recently reported on WAPA's updated forecast for the European Union's pear harvest in 2021 (see here). For Poland, the data has not changed and speaks of a harvest at the