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Citrus fruits and bananas instead of apples

2012-02-10 00:00
Źródło: fresh-market.pl (KZ)

Poles eat less apples and vegetables as: cabbage, onion, beetroot and carrot. Instead of those products they consume much more citrus fruits and bananas (about 12 kg per year).

The consumption of vegetables in Polish households in 2001-2010 was decreasing at about 0.9%, and fruits at about 1.9% each year. The consumption of “traditional” vegetables such as: cabbage, onion or beetroots has fallen significantly. On the other hand the consumption of tomatoes and cucumbers has risen. Currently Poles consume about 10 kg of tomatoes and 7 kg of cucumbers yearly.

Among fruits, the biggest decrease was in consumption of apples. However, they are still most popular and Polish consumers eat about 15 kg of apples each year.

Słowa kluczowe: bananas, citrus fruit
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