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Kup teraz abonament!

Lower prices of bunched vegetables

2008-10-23 00:00

Apart from root vegetables and brassica also bunched parsley leaves and chives are getting cheaper. Last week in podlaskie province price of bunched parsley leaves was 0.215 euro/bunch and this week price is 0.183 euro.

In the same area price of chives is about 0.215 euro/bunch. In małopolskie province prices are lower by 0.013 euro/bunch than last week and price of parsley leaves is 0.108 euro/bunch and for chives 0.135 euro/bunch. In comparison with the same period of last year prices are lower by 0.022 euro/bunch for parsley leaves and 0.019 euro/bunch for chives.

Source: fresh-market.pl (gs), on the basis of data from IERiGŻ-PIB

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