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Onion: low prices, low export

2008-10-22 00:00

In spite of the fall in the production of onion its purchase prices are also lower by about 0.027 euro/kg than last year.

This week in małopolskie province the average purchase price of onion was 0.138 euro/kg, in podkarpackie province price ranged from 0.13 to 0.166 euro/kg, in podlaskie province price was 0.16 euro/kg and in łódzkie province 0.18 euro/kg. According to the Analytical Centre of Customs Administration CAAC) export of onion is decreasing. In July the export was the half lower than in July of last year and amounted to 4.2 thousand ton.

Source: (gs), on the basis of data from IERiGŻ-PIB and CAAC

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