Codziennie świeże ceny z punktów skupu w całej Polsce. Korzystaj z naszych informacji.

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Poland: low supply of field cucumbers

2009-07-20 00:00

One can observe lower supply of field cucumbers. In some areas of Poland the purchase prices increased. In świętokrzyskie province the purchase price of cucumbers for pickles (6 - 9 cm) rose from 1.80 (0.42 euro) to 1.90 - 2.00 PLN (0.44-0.46 euro)/kg.

In surroundings of Nowy Sącza the price of cucumbers (9 - 12 cm) increased from 1.70 (0.39 euro) to 1.90 PLN (0.44 euro)/kg and to 2.35 PLN (0.54 euro)/kg for cucumbers(6 - 9 cm).

Source: (gs), on the basis of data from ZEO IERiGŻ-PIB

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