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Poland: purchase prices of apples intended for export

2009-09-28 00:00

The purchase prices of apples intended for export are decreasing. The average price 0.64 PLN (0.15 euro)/kg which was noted one week earlier went down by 0.05 PLN/kg (0.01 euro) week-on-week.

The relatively high price is paid for Gala 65 +. In łódzkie province the purchase price of this variety was 0.70-0.80 PLN (0.17-0.19 euro)/kg, in mazowieckie – 0.75-0.93 PLN (0.18-0.22 euro)/kg and in małopolskie - 0.90 PLN (0.21 euro)/kg.

Source: fresh-market.pl (gs), on the basis of data from ZEO IERiGŻ-PIB

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