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Price of bananas of brand Chiquita in big and small wholesale

2012-02-03 10:44
Źródło: fresh-market.pl (KZ)

The price of Chiquita bananas has been stable for a long time. However, recently much higher prices have been noted in big as well as small wholesale. The wholesale price of bananas is getting higher each week. As representatives of Chiquita say it is not the end of increasing. The price of palletized bananas of brand Chiquita, directly from producer:

First week of 2012 – 64.00 PLN/carton

Second week of 2012 – 66.00 PLN/carton

Third week of 2012 – 78.00 PLN/carton

Fourth week of 2012 – 80.00 PLN/carton

Słowa kluczowe: bananas, banany Chiquita
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