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Still low demand for potatoes

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Źródło: fresh-market.pl (ms)

 The potato market has been unbalanced since the beginning of season. There is a high supply and low demand, and it results in low prices. We has written about the situation on the Spanish, Dutch and Ukrainian markets.  Problems with a very high supply have also producers in India.

Unfortunately, there is still low demand for potato. In Poland as well as in other countries crops were so big that supply was much higher than demand. Also export stopped because of big crops in countries which were usually importing this vegetable. It seems that the situation will not change soon. Polish producers export only small amounts of potatoes to Romania, Bulgaria or Hungary. However, importers want low prices. The prices of potato on the Polish market have been on a very low level for a long time. High quality goods cost (for export), in a wholesale, 0.25 – 0.30 PLN/kg. However, the demand is very low. 

Słowa kluczowe: potatoes, prices
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