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Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analyse (27-31.10.2008)

2008-11-01 00:10
The last week of October passed and significant price movements didn't appear on fruit and vegetables market.

The purchase prices of industrial apples stayed at the low level. Depending on the region of Poland the prices in purchasing centres ranged from 0.022 to 0.033 euro/kg.

The apples harvest is slowly ending in this season. The cold stores are full of fruit, prices at the moment aren't rising, and so far the export to the East is little. Prices of apples of 65+ or 70+ sizes (with the package) depending on the variety were as follows: 0.18 - 0.19 euro/kg (e.g. Ligol, Lobo), 0.21 - 0.22 euro/kg (e.g. Jonagored, Dacosta), 0.38 euro/kg (e.g. Golden). Last week Idared appeared on the market and its price was 0.25 – 0.27 euro/kg.

Prices of vegetables remain stable. As a result of favourable weather the prices of cauliflowers and broccoli stayed at low level. The average price of cauliflowers was 0.36 euro/piece. Prices of broccoli were much diversified depending on the region of Poland and the average price was 0.43 euro/piece. The cheapest broccoli was in the south-eastern Poland, where the price was 0.33 euro/piece (including the package).

Wyjątkiem na stabilnym rynku warzywnym były pomidory, których podaż była duża przy mniejszym zainteresowaniu kupców, zwłaszcza zagranicznych. Stąd też ceny pomidorów, w minionym tygodniu wędrowały w dół. Średnie ceny piątkowe kształtowały się następująco: pomidory A 2,65zł/kg; B 2,83 zł/kg; BB 3,43 zł/kg. Jednak wielu dostawców nie chcąc zostać z towarem przed świętem było skłonnych do znacznych upustów cenowych.

On the stable vegetable market tomatoes were an exception. Due to large supply of tomatoes and low demand prices of tomatoes were decreasing last week. On Friday, 31st October the average prices of tomatoes were as follows: A size: 0.73 euro/kg; B size: 0.78 euro/kg and BB size: 0.94 euro/kg. However many suppliers were ready for further price decrease because they wanted to sell the product before the holiday.

Source: fresh-market.pl (ms)

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