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Catalogue of Varieties now is available for purchase in PDF format!

2013-03-26 13:03

Do you want to know what apples are good to bake an apple pie, and which are the best suited for juice? Or maybe you are interested in ways to harvest date and variety store?

If so, Apple Varieties Catalogue is dedicated to you. We wrote it to those, who want to broaden their knowledge of the varieties of apples. A catalogue is a tool that will help you in every situation perfectly identify different varieties.

Apple varieties catalog has been prepared by experts and includes authentic photographs of the most common varieties of apples.

Price Catalogue in PDF format cost 30 eu. If you are interested in purchasing, please write on redakcja|fresh-market.pl| |redakcja|fresh-market.pl .

Product is also available as an application on a mobile phone or tablet at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.freshmarket.jablecznik&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsInBsLmZyZXNobWFya2V0LmphYmxlY3puaWsiXQ 

Słowa kluczowe: catalogue, apples, varieties of apples
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