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Frost in Poland ruins fruit growers' plans?

2018-11-21 16:10

Strong frosts that have recently passed over Poland have thwarted the plans of many fruit growers.

The frost that last nights attacked the fruit-growing regions of Poland ruins the plans of fruit-growers. Many apples still lie under trees, and in some orchards Idared still hangs on trees. Temperatures, which took place last nights, locally to - 8 degrees Celsius, not only damaged the remaining fruit in the orchards, but also made it impossible to harvest fruit drops. Although there are farmers who claim that temperatures at this level do not harm Idared, the biology is inexorable and the water in the apple cells after freezing destroys the structure of the fruit flesh, which is not suitable for trade as a dessert fruit.

Processors also have objections in taking 'frozen' raw material, which translates into the purchase of apples by intermediaries. Some made a temporary break and others reduced prices by about 0,20 eurocent per kilo. Thus, at present in Mazovia the prices of ordinary industry oscillate between 1,9 eurocent and 2,3 eurocent per kilogram, with the largest number of companies paying for fruit 1,9 eurocent/kg. Similar prices are in force in Łódzki Region. In the Lublin region for "ordinary industry" prices range from 2 eurocent to 2,3 eurocent per kilogram, and in the area of Sandomierz from 1,9 to 2,3 eurocent per kilogram. Some intermediaries in particular regions lowered prices even to 1,6 eurocent  per kilogram.

In addition to apples for "ordinary industry", some companies still buy apples for the quality dry industry. Apples  Golden Delicious for juices at a price of 3,5  - 4,0 eurocents/kg, apples Idared for juices or puree are bought for 3,0 - 3,5 eurocents per kilogram, and apples for  juices of mixed varieties at a price of 2,3- 3,0 eurocents/kg. Organic industrial apples can be disposed of at a price of about 0,08 - 0,09 EUR per kilogram.

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