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2023-07-03 00:00:00
ASAJA Alicante warns that the heat and drought in March will cause a drop in the orange and mandarin harvest.
ASAJA Alicante states that the extreme heat that occurred in the province in March this year, with peak temperatures that exceeded 30 degrees, as well as the lack of rain in the same period have
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Alarm over astronomical food prices
In Italy, inflation is falling, but in June an anomaly was recorded in the form of an "astronomical" increase in food prices, by up to 46 per cent on an annual basis. This is reported on Monday by
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Watermelon season in Calabria in the starting blocks
"The year 2023 is definitely a special one for watermelons. The weather has been crucial. First, there was a mild winter, then there was rain in February that somewhat complicated the planting of
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Hybrid citrus fruit receives 'Superior Taste Award'
The 'Superior Taste Awards', granted by the International Taste Institute (ITI) from Brussels, was awarded to the Alizza Fruit™ for its commitment to unique eating experience, highest-quality,
2023-07-03 00:00:00
This will be the next lowest pear harvest in Europe in a decade
According to preliminary estimates published on Thursday (29 June) at the Interpera International Pear Congress in Lleida, Spain, the upcoming European pear harvest will be one of the smallest in
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Ukraine: onion prices down due to growing supply of new domestic crop
The supply of domestic early onions is currently much higher than the demand, reports EastFruit. Thus, a seasonal rise in the supply forces Ukrainian farmers to actively reduce their prices for
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Penny Italia launches Pianetiamo, the pl line of salads for vertical farming
Penny Italia is currently launching its Pianetiamo line dedicated to fourth range salads from vertical farming, in particular from aeroponic technology. The retailer is the first brand with a
2023-07-03 11:00:00
BiomicAgritech’s top-down growing method brings rewards
Israeli agritech company BiomicAgritech was nominated for this year’s GreenTech Concept Award for its unique top-down growing method for trellised greenhouse vegetables. The name comes from the
2023-07-03 12:00:00
Aldi’s Super 6 becomes Super 7
Aldi is renaming its Super 6 fruit and vegetable promotion as Super 7, with a proportion of profits from the seventh item in the range being donated to its charity partner, Teenage Cancer Trust.
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Same beach again this year... and same Gavina!
Launched back in 2005, Gavina was one of the first seedless mini watermelons on the Italian market, a product with unique qualities at a time when this type of cultivation and distribution was
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Yes Peas! campaign proves worthwhile, as UK demand is up 20%
New data from reveals that searches for ‘frozen peas’ in the UK increased 20% in the last 12 months, with more than 2,000 hits in the last month alone. OF course, the Great British Pea Week is
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Carrot prices still very high. When will they get cheaper?
Carrot prices are recording unprecedented levels. Rates at 7 PLN per kilo in grocery shops no longer surprise anyone. How much will we pay for this vegetable in wholesale?
2023-07-03 00:00:00
French Council of State cancels marketing ban on organic heated greenhouses
On the 28th of June, the French Council of State repealed the provision banning the marketing of organic summer vegetables grown in heated greenhouses between December 21st and April 30th, on the
2023-07-03 00:00:00
Melinda, Evelina competition participants awarded prizes
An average of 500 bets per day and widespread participation, literally, in every corner of Italy. The "Mordi e Vinci con Evelina" (Bite and Win with Evelina) competition, the initiative launched
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Europe to have second lowest pear crop in 10 years
According to the first estimates made public today in Interpera, the international pear congress, held in Lleida, the next harvest of the species will be one of the lowest in the last 30 years
2023-06-30 11:00:00
Europe set for low pear crop
The forthcoming European pear harvest will be one of the smallest in the last ten years, with a forecast of around 1.9m tonnes. That was according to estimates presented at Interpera, the global
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Weak peaches, overflowing melons
"The trade balances between goods on offer and demand are changing and, in general, the market is stable but quotations are leaning upwards for fruit". Andrea Bonizzi, agronomist and price list
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Discount, where fruit and vegetables perform best
In a climate where consumer confidence has plummeted to lower levels than during the pandemic, inflation plays a key role in people's perceptions. This is forcing people to make increasingly
2023-06-30 00:00:00
California's second lightest Valencia crop in history
California is moving deeper into the second lightest recorded crop of Valencia oranges in its history. The state estimate for the citrus fruit is 16.2 million cartons this season--that follows the
2023-06-30 00:00:00
In the melon market, supply dynamics and weather conditions have been influencing the availability and prices of various melon types across different regions. In the Netherlands, the supply of
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Reichenau vegetables: Full marketing of fresh vegetables despite challenging marketing year
The general assembly of the producer cooperatives Reichenau-Gemüse eG and Raiffeisen-Lagerhaus eG took place in the hotel "mein inselglück" on the island of Reichenau. The cooperatives looked
2023-06-30 00:00:00
June watermelons still on the handbrake
Week 24 saw a softening of the trend compared to the previous week for Lcc, but also for fruit and vegetables by weight. Among the channels, discount stores continue to grow in fruit and vegetable
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Europe is to have its second lowest pear crop in 10 years
According to initial estimates released today at Interpera, the international pear congress held in Lleida, the forthcoming European pear harvest will be one of the smallest in the last 10 years,
2023-06-30 00:00:00
New research reveals frozen food’s role in reducing food waste
With almost 40% of all food in the United States going uneaten, food waste is an important and relevant concern for many shoppers. Now, two new studies reveal that consumers turn to frozen food to