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2023-06-30 00:00:00
Asia pushes back on excessive currency moves as US dollar stands tall
Currency officials in Asia are pushing back on effects that sent their currencies to multi-month lows this week. Japan finance officials have warned all this week against the “excessive”
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Europe's second lowest pear harvest in 10 years
According to initial estimates released today at Interpera, the International Pear Congress held in Lleida, the next pear harvest will be one of the lowest in the last 10 years, with around
2023-06-30 00:00:00
AMMA seeking 4.5 mln euro in damages from North Macedonian company
Austrian industrial vegetable supplier AMMA Import Export Ltd is seeking to recover damages of some €4.5 million owed by North Macedonia's agricultural company Dena Produkt Import Export Veles
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Currants 2023: what forecasts for the coming season?
On the currant market, the situation is in different colours, depending on the colour of the fruit. Buying of currants for processing is yet to start, but there is already speculation and
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Raspberry prices are falling. Strawberry and raspberry quotations from 29.06.2023
In today's review of quotations, strawberry prices remain at a similar level throughout Poland. High-quality fruit is scarce, which is why, for example, according to announcements from the
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Vertical agriculture from Murcia hopes to reach Africa
Verti has developed a vertical farming technology for the hydroponic cultivation of lettuces, and it wants to reach emerging markets with it, starting with Africa. "There are many vertical farming
2023-06-30 00:00:00
France bans plastic packaging per July 1, 2023
From July 1, 2023, a new decree banning selling unprocessed fruit and vegetables in plastic packages comes into force in France. So reports the Dutch Agroberichten Buitenland. This new regulation
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Belgium: Colruyt sells Flemish Charentais melons from the greenhouse
The Belgian Colruyt Group no longer wants to source its Charentais melons from France, according to a report by vilt.be, but is starting a trial this year with the fruit from a Flemish greenhouse.
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Brazilian producer extends melon season to offer 12 months supply to Europe
Agricola Famosa, the world’s largest melon and watermelon grower and exporter from Brazil, will now have a guaranteed 12 month supply of melons to Europe. The company is also set to increase
2023-06-30 00:00:00
One year in prison for having eight unregistered employees in Alicante
The Third Section of the Provincial Court tried and sentenced an employer of a company dedicated to the handling and packaging of citrus fruits in Alicante for not having registered eight
2023-06-30 00:00:00
China stood back from supporting yuan for a third day
Chinese parties have stood back from supporting the yuan for a third day. This triggered a pullback, in a sign it may not yet be ready to draw a line in the sand for the weakening currency. The
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Lack of produce, so lettuce from floating systems finds more space on the market
Adverse weather events in various parts of Italy are causing a shortage of lettuce, though the issue is not affecting the hydroponic cultivation of Ninfa, whose production is in full swing thanks
2023-06-30 00:00:00
“Spanish melon contract growers are at their wits' end”
“Things can always be called extreme, but in the 20 years I've been here, I've never seen it this extreme. Very few melons are available, and those that are there are damaged or the incorrect
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Vegetable prices have changed in Ukraine
In the Ukrainian market, the range of vegetables is expanding. Shortages of summer vegetables and high demand have raised their prices. Young beetroot is offered for 1-1.20 euros, carrots sell for
2023-06-29 00:00:00
The mini vegetable trend continues to grow
Mini vegetables are still very trendy, “especially in the catering sector,” explains Vincent Elegoet, manager of Saveurs du Bout du Monde. Historically, the company has always offered a
2023-06-29 11:00:00
Enza Zaden acquires carrot programme
Enza Zaden has announced the acquisition of a carrot breeding programme from German company Carosem, a strategic move that the company said allowed it to expand its product portfolio. The
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Over a thousand tons of citrus fruits from Iran, Turkey, and Georgia inspected in Russia's Stavropol region
Since the beginning of 2023, the North Caucasus Interregional Department of Phytosanitary Surveillance has inspected imported batches of citrus fruits with a total weight of 1,089 tons in the
2023-06-29 00:00:00
West Coast watermelon availability tight going into holiday weekend
The supply of watermelons on the West Coast is very tight for the 4th of July pull. “The cooler weather during the growth of the crop pushed harvest dates back 7 to 10 days,” says PJ Colin of
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Strong supply of US-grown pears through summer
The Northwest pear industry has shipped 93 percent of its 2023-24 crop as of early June, which is on par with the five-year average. “U.S.-grown Red and Green Anjous are available through the
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Limagrain Group shows its strength in Cartagena
HM.CLAUSE and Hazera have kicked off a joint conference in Murcia to present their melon and watermelon offer. It is not the first time they have done this. Both companies (belonging to the
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Humecfol develops a moisture sensor against the black spot affecting pear crops
The Humecfol innovation project has managed to develop a valid and economical leaf moisture sensor that will provide farmers with better phytosanitary control of the black spot affecting pear
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Deliveroo Snack To The Future report: 3D printed meal plans
France: Debt-ridden retailer Casino gives July 3 deadline for offers to boost its equity Supermarket retailer Casino set a deadline of July 3 for offers to boost its equity base, as it works on a
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Large influx of Israeli potatoes and carrots into Europe
Israeli potato and carrot growers are showing satisfaction with the high demand for these vegetables by the European market. Demand from Europe has been very high this season.More. Go to the article
2023-06-29 00:00:00
War in Ukraine will lose its farmers €800 million a year
According to the Ukrainian Agri Council, the nation’s farmers are set to lose around €800 million per year due to the ongoing war. The UAC said that the Russian invasion has meant that farmers
2023-06-29 17:00:00
Carbon-neutral production takes centre stage at Festival of Fresh
Almost one year since Nottinghamshire vegetable cooperative Freshgrowers (Freshgro) launched the world’s first carbon-neutral carrots, the group’s managing director Martin Evans came to tell