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2023-06-26 08:00:00
Truly South African Gala makes waves
Game-changing varieties are not often found in the apple and pear category but Bigbucks – branded as Flash Gala – is on track to achieve just that for the South African apple industry. Flash
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Prickly pears, flowering promises positive horizons
Etna is in bloom with its most representative fruit, the prickly pear. An expanse of 'sluices' (the plots intended for growing prickly pears, ed.) colour the slopes of the volcano and companies
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Movement of asparagus from Peru through South Florida ports expected to remain the same
Movement of asparagus from Peru imports through South Florida ports of entry is expected to remain about the same. Trading moderate. Prices large much higher and standard higher. 11-pound cartons
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Mountain strawberries, campaign kicks off in Vinschgau
The campaign for the mountain strawberries produced by the VIP growers, cultivated in the Vinschgau Valley and the adjacent Martell Valley, in the heart of the Stelvio National Park, where, thanks
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Current availability of late mandarins unaffected by Cape floods
Availability of citrus for South African consumers has been affected by severe flooding in Citrusdal, where harvesting had to be suspended. According to the South African Weather Service, the area
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Heavy rains and floods hit Serbian agriculture
Due to overflowing rivers and streams, a state of emergency was declared in 56 cities and municipalities in Serbia. As authorities are dealing with the damages, further flooding is expected with
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Get ready for a summer full of flavour with +Broccoli!
Under the slogan "What does summer taste like? Broccoli!", it aims to raise awareness of the benefits of incorporating this vegetable into menus during the summer season, while highlighting its
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Przewiduje się, że przepływ szparagów z Peru przez porty południowej Florydy pozostanie na tym samym poziomie.
Oczekuje się, że ruch importu szparagów z Peru przez porty wejścia na południowej Florydzie pozostanie mniej więcej taki sam. Handel umiarkowany. Ceny duże znacznie wyższe
2023-06-26 08:00:00
Prawdziwie południowoafrykańska gala robi furorę
Odmiany zmieniające zasady gry nie są często spotykane w kategorii jabłek i gruszek, ale Bigbucks - pod marką Flash Gala - jest na dobrej drodze, aby osiągnąć to dla
2023-06-26 08:00:00
Гала-вечеринка "Истинно южноафриканская" набирает обороты
В категории яблок и груш не так часто встречаются сорта, меняющие игру, но Bigbucks - под брендом Flash Gala -
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Limited edition White Grill Caps hit market for summer
Highline Mushrooms has launched its limited-edition White Grill Caps in time for 4th of July. Grilling caps offer an easy way to incorporate mushrooms into summer holiday cookouts. The mushroom
2023-06-24 00:00:00
Strawberries - harvest still in progress (plantation monitoring, 23.06.2023)
The strawberry harvest is underway everywhere. Even on early varieties like 'Rumba' or 'Twist' you can still find fruit. There is not much to do there anymore, but it is a different story on the
2023-06-23 18:00:00
Ujawniono zwycięzców inauguracyjnego Festival of Fresh Awards
Przyszłościowe inwestycje, innowacyjny marketing, zrównoważone inicjatywy i współpraca branżowa zostały uhonorowane podczas inauguracyjnego Festival of Fresh Awards w dniu 21
2023-06-23 00:00:00
Flooding in raspberry plantations to affect prices?
Floods have been caused by heavy rains in Serbia. The disaster is observed in many regions of the country, including the strong raspberry growing and processing region. This could have a very
2023-06-23 00:00:00
Rijk Zwaan embraces Romagna, lettuce demo days kick off
Rijk Zwaan in the heart of Romagna for its Demo Days 2023 dedicated to open field lettuce. "We have a strong bond with this region," says Carlo Fermi, account manager of the Italian subsidiary,
2023-06-23 18:00:00
Winners revealed in inaugural Festival of Fresh Awards
Forward-thinking investments, innovative marketing, sustainable initiatives, and industry collaboration were celebrated in the inaugural Festival of Fresh Awards on 21 June. Eye-catching trophies
2023-06-22 00:00:00
Organic, a strategic market but consumption marking time
There are no longer any happy islands. The climate crisis with its extreme events has also hit Emilia-Romagna with a flood that feels like an earthquake: from the beautiful hillsides that have
2023-06-22 08:22:00
Ceny ogórków szklarniowych wyrównały trend
Hurtowe ceny krajowych ogórków szklarniowych mają to do siebie, że są bardzo zmienne. Nierzadko jest tak, że codziennie są one inne, a okresy dłuższej stabilizacji należą do
2023-06-22 00:00:00
Job offer: Euro Pool System is looking for sales representatives (m/f/d)
Euro Pool System ( is Europe's leading provider of logistics systems for food retailers and food producers. With our pool of transport container systems and our dense depot
2023-06-22 00:00:00
Etna cherries, bad weather leaves no escape
Etna cherries are a speciality that Sicily can hardly do without. Rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids, thanks to the volcanic soil in which they grow, they are, however, a rarity this year. Bad
2023-06-22 00:00:00
W tym tygodniu w magazynie Fruchthandel: Flandria i melony z Murcji
Sezon owocowo-warzywny 2022/23 w Almerii można uznać za zakończony. Pozostała produkcja w szklarniach jest minimalna. Ostatnie melony, które zostaną wprowadzone na rynek w tym
2023-06-22 00:00:00
This week in Fruchthandel magazine: Flanders and melons from Murcia
The 2022/23 fruit and vegetable season in Almeria can be considered over. The remaining production in the greenhouses is minimal. The last melons to be marketed this spring season are fetching
2023-06-22 00:00:00
Czereśnie Etna, zła pogoda nie pozostawia ucieczki
Wiśnie Etna to specjalność, bez której Sycylia nie może się obejść. Bogate w antocyjany i flawonoidy, dzięki wulkanicznej glebie, na której rosną, są jednak w tym roku
2023-06-21 00:00:00
Наводнения в Сербии могут изменить перспективы мирового рынка малины
Аналитики компании EastFruit внимательно следят за ситуацией в Сербии, где проливные дожди привели к
2023-06-21 00:00:00
Lufthansa Cargo expands cargo services to two Mexico City airports
Lufthansa Cargo will permanently operate all B777 freighter flights that previously served Mexico City International Airport (MEX, also known as Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México,