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2018-12-06 09:40:51
Bananas are even cheaper this season in Poland.
On the Polish market it is becoming more and more clear how prices and trade in bananas in general is strongly correlated with the situation in the apple trade. In seasons when apple prices are
2018-12-05 09:44:47
Prices of apples are still rising in Poland?
A company from around Sandomierz buys export apples at the following price: - Golden Delicious apples in calibre 70+ - 0.19 EUR /kg   price increase of 1,2 eurocents per kilogram -
2018-12-01 20:39:05
Price of Golden Delicious in Poland successively increases
The situation in the apple trade is changing from week to week. Only a month ago the demand for these fruits was negligible and the purchase prices were lower than industrial apples last season at
2018-11-27 19:30:48
Purchase prices of export apples in Poland.
Today, on Tuesday, near Sandomierz , export apples are bought at the following prices: - Golden Delicious apples in calibre 70+ - 0,17 EUR/kg   price increase of 2,3 eurocents per
2018-11-26 16:02:58
The purchase of industrial apples continues in Poland. At what prices and does anyone else talk about intervention buying?
Purchase of industrial apples is in the process, although from moment to moment it changes its mode from autumn to winter. The apple harvest is over and what is left under the trees is either not
2018-11-21 16:10:55
Frost in Poland ruins fruit growers' plans?
Strong frosts that have recently passed over Poland have thwarted the plans of many fruit growers. The frost that last nights attacked the fruit-growing regions of Poland ruins the plans of
2018-11-20 17:17:05
What are the prices on apples for export in Poland?
A company from the area around Opole Lubelskie buys fruit for export at the following prices: - apples of different autumn red varieties in caliber 70+ - 0,07 EUR/kg - Gala Must apples,
2018-11-15 12:40:51
What is the current price for Gala apples or striped Gala sports on the Polish Market?
The last two weeks have brought significant changes on the export (dessert) apples market in Poland. The fruit harvest was definitely over and the supply, although high, began to stabilize. Only
2018-11-08 14:28:38
We are already in the first half of November and the situation in the apple trade in the Polish market is starting to change.
The situation on the export apple market has recently started to change. Harvesting is over and, as you can see, the purchase of fruit for almost nothing as well. Now the regular trade in apples
2018-10-25 11:46:17
In the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the Idared apple harvest has recently begun.
In Russia in particular, Idared is one of the most expensive apple varieties - the average wholesale price is $0.55 per kilo, and the minimum price does not fall below $0.46 per kilo. So Idared is
2018-10-25 17:37:39
Prices of industrial apples - some changes?
The harvest is coming to an end and in the orchards under the trees there is literally a carpet of apples. Some fruit growers do not decide to harvest the falls at current prices, but there are
2015-03-04 09:49:30
Polish apple producer associations unite against crisis
One of them is the LubApple initiative, which brings together six groups of producers from the Lublin area: ZPO Stryjno-Sad, Lubsad, Witabo, FruVitaLand and SADPOL ZPO, allowing it joint
2015-02-03 09:57:56
Poland: apple exporters start with residue-free cultivation
To help growers with residue-free cultivation, Syngenta, together with export company Rajpol, launched the Fruit Quality Contract programme. Dominik Wozniak, commercial manager of Rajpol, talks
2014-06-05 12:01:57
Demand for Golden Delicious and Mutsu
Demand for apples, generally, isn't high but everything depends on veriety. There is an interest in Golden Delicious, Mutsu and Gala. High interest in Golden Delicious at this time of season
2014-05-13 10:15:00
Worsening situation
Deamnd for apples is getting lower, quality is getting poorer and Roubel is still in bad conditio. What is more, early Spring caused that supply of seasonal fruits in Europe is increasing. These
2014-04-30 09:30:46
Russian producers won't raise apple prices until end of season
In view of that, growers do not plan to revise apple prices to sell their stocks as soon as possible as the quality of apples is sharply decreasing now. For the present, apple prices in Russia
2014-04-23 09:40:11
Ukraine: prices of high-quality apples
In highest demand are currently apples from CA - storage and their prices reach UAH 10/kg (EUR 0.63/kg). In the same period of the previous season prices were not higher than UAH 9/kg (EUR
2014-04-17 10:17:25
Golden Delicious going well
Cheap Polish apples are an alternative for a bit poorer Russians (due to unfavourable exchange rate of Rouble). The situation on the Golden Delicious market confirms that. Normally, producers have
2014-04-15 15:50:52
Rising export prices of apples
Since the beginning of April number of exported fruits is getting higher. Increasing demand caused price rise. They are not as high as producers could expect but much higher than in March. As an
2014-04-15 12:18:49
Prices for Golden Delicious apples are 2 times higher than last year ones in Ukraine
At the current moment apples producers supply this kind of fruits at 9 UAH\kg (0,52 EURO\kg). These figures are 2 times higher comparing to the previous year numbers (during the same period).
2014-04-10 08:45:00
Russian apple growers unable to raise prices due to abundant supply of Polish produce
Despite the devaluation of the Russian rouble, prices of Polish apples are just slightly higher than the price levels of domestic sellers. For the present, imported apples are offered at RUB
2014-04-09 09:04:26
Poland: ongoing increase in apple prices at Bronisze Market
In particular, current prices of Golden Delicious apples vary between 0.60-0.62 euro/kg, an increase of 7-8% compared with the previous week. It should also be noted that a week-on-week increase
2014-03-27 12:10:34
Export going to be better
Currently situation on the market is as good as at the turn of January and March when demand was high as well as prices. Conflict between Russian Federation and EU last but traders
2014-03-21 13:02:19
Stable prices of strawberries
Supply of imported strawberries in Poland reached maximum. Fruits are available as bananas or apples. High supply and influenced prices which started stabilizing. Last week prices of
2014-03-19 09:18:24
High demand for Polish pears
Most companies stopped selling pears and fruit-growers sold all supplies. The season is coming up to end but there are still some buyers interested in our domestic fruits. Why? In the Western