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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "carrot"
2023-06-23 00:00:00
Ireland will run out of carrots, beetroot and potatoes
In Ireland, a series of heavy rains followed by hot weather has affected the production of many agricultural commodities. Local media quote agricultural consultant Dr Richard Hackett as predicting
2023-06-21 00:00:00
meine-Möhren.de produces educational film for school lessons
Everyone knows the favourite orange vegetable. But what do schoolchildren actually know about the production of carrots here in Germany? For this knowledge transfer, the team of meine-Möhren.de
2023-06-21 00:00:00
Will drought hit wallets? Vegetables could be even more expensive
May was another month in which vegetable prices increased y-o-y. by around 40% on average. Carrots and onions recorded as much as triple-digit increases. Cabbage, on the other hand, cheapened by
2023-06-21 00:00:00
Kazakhstan has seen sharp increases in the prices of potatoes and carrots
According to the National Statistics Bureau, since the beginning of June, cabbage has significantly decreased in price (by 9.3%) as well as onions. However, there have been sharp increases in the
2023-06-20 00:00:00
Irish growers and experts are warning of a domestic fruit and vegetable shortage
Irish growers and industry experts are warning there will be a shortage of domestic fruit and vegetables including cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, parsnips, broccoli and sprouts for the rest of the
2023-06-16 00:00:00
Zerbinati launches new Burger'Z and focuses on quinoa
Zerbinatil launches new Burger'Z on the market: three quinoa-based recipes: Quinoa, carrots and sweet potatoes, Quinoa broccoli and courgettes, and Quinoa, spinach and cabbage. The products are
2023-06-15 00:00:00
With 28,700 hectares, North Rhine-Westphalia has the largest vegetable cultivation area in Germany.
This corresponds roughly to the area of the city of Dortmund. According to Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen, the state's statistical office, North Rhine-Westphalia had the largest area
2023-06-14 00:00:00
60 tons of carrots were sent from the Volgograd region of the Russian Federation to Kazakhstan
On June 13, the regional office of the Rosselkhoznadzor in the Volgograd region announced a new export shipment. This time, over 60 tons of fresh carrots from the Volgograd region were sent to
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Still expensive in the shops. These vegetables are driving up the price tag the most
Of the seventeen categories, vegetable prices went up the hardest in May this year - by almost 40% year-on-year. This was mainly influenced by carrots and onions, which rose the most out of a list
2023-06-12 00:00:00
"Consumers usually go for the cheaper goods"
"There is a very high demand for carrots, although we do not yet have German goods available. Currently, we receive carrots from Italy," informs Lance Sidio, who has been working at the
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Early onions, potatoes, and carrots – market overview for Ukraine and the EastFruit region
FAO International Consultant and EastFruit expert Fedir Rybalko shares insights about the market situation of early vegetables and potatoes in the EastFruit region. “The highest wholesale prices
2023-06-09 00:00:00
"New carrot campaign kicks off in Italy with limited quantities due to climate and with high prices"
The first harvest of new carrots began on Saturday, 2 June 2023, in the Fucino Plain in Abruzzo (Italy). Heavy rains and flooding are marking this crop season. "Temperatures have been cool this
2023-06-09 00:00:00
High European demand for Israel’s carrots
The European demand for larger sized carrots from Israel is very high this season. Israel’s carrot season has about a month and a half to go before it ends. The Southern countries in Europe are
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Early onions, potatoes, and carrots: Market overview for Ukraine and the EastFruit region
FAO International Consultant and EastFruit expert Fedir Rybalko shares insights about the market situation of early vegetables and potatoes in the EastFruit region. “The highest wholesale prices
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Supermoce marchwi sałatkowej
Sałatka z marchwi wystarczy, aby przywrócić równowagę hormonalną. Jest to (błędne) przesłanie rozpowszechniane przez nową modę #carrotsalad, która jest modna na TikTok
2023-06-09 00:00:00
"Nowa kampania marchewkowa rozpoczyna się we Włoszech w ograniczonych ilościach ze względu na klimat i wysokie ceny"
Pierwsze zbiory nowej marchwi rozpoczęły się w sobotę, 2 czerwca 2023 r., na równinie Fucino w Abruzji (Włochy). Ulewne deszcze i powodzie charakteryzują ten sezon upraw.
2023-06-09 00:00:00
"Новая кампания по продаже моркови стартует в Италии с ограниченным количеством из-за климата и с высокими ценами"
В субботу, 2 июня 2023 года, на равнине Фучино в Абруццо (Италия) начался первый сбор нового урожая моркови.
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Суперспособности моркови в салате
Морковного салата достаточно, чтобы восстановить баланс гормонов. Именно такое (неправильное) послание
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Nearly 400,000 tons of vegetables and melons were harvested in Tajikistan this spring
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Tajikistan, the early crop of vegetables and melons exceeded 400,000 tons. It now is amounting to 10% of the planned agricultural production. This
2023-06-09 00:00:00
The 'superpowers' of salad carrots
A carrot salad is enough to rebalance hormones. This is the (wrong) message being spread by the new #carrotsalad fad, which is all the rage on TikTok and other social networking sites such as
2023-06-08 00:00:00
The Minister of Agriculture explained the recent increase in vegetable prices in Kazakhstan
The rise in prices for cabbage, carrots, onions, and potatoes is related to the end of last year's reserves and the arrival of fresh produce in June. The early ripe vegetables are slightly more
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Edeka Stiftung: Vegetable beds for kids - crisp vegetable knowledge for Garden Day
Toddlers don't like kohlrabi! Radishes taste "yuck!" - parents may know these statements only too well. The "Vegetable beds for kids" project is different. For 15 years, the Edeka Foundation has
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Tighter supplies likely ahead for California carrots
The supply of carrots over the next couple of months out of California is going to be a little tighter than normal. The transition from the Imperial Valley to Bakersfield, California is underway,
2023-06-02 15:00:00
Polish produce enjoy growing popularity with Amplus
The major production company Amplus celebrated in 2022 30 years and keeps enjoying a growing demand for Polish produce. The group produces on a large scale berries (strawberries, blueberries,
2023-06-01 00:00:00
Italy: Dos Sicilia promotes regional quality with "Educational Tours
What do pistachios, tomatoes, cherries or carrots have in common? They are all among the products that have a tasty representative with a PGI or PDO seal in Sicily. In order to give these