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Wholesale market in Tychy - SGH 
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Congga i Monrello, innowacyjne brokuły od Syngenty
Na poziomie globalnym Syngenta Vegetable Seeds odgrywa wiodącą rolę na rynku kapustnych, segmencie, na którym firma skupia swoje wysiłki w celu zapewnienia propozycji wartości dla
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Week 14, fruit and vegetable tailspin
In week 14, fruit and vegetables by set weight resumed growth in the large-scale retail trade after a negative week. However, the performance distance from packaged FMCG still increases compared
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Japan increased fruit imports from Russia
According to the results of the 2022 financial year, Japan increased fruit imports from Russia by 646.1%, as announced by the Ministry of Finance of Japan on their official website. During the
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Fruit and vegetable companies are interested in the mobile fruit and vegetable processing unit
AINIA has presented a mobile unit that allows farmers to process IV range fruits and vegetables on the field where they're grown and obtain ready-to-eat products with greater added value. The
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Congga и Monrello, инновационные брокколи от компании Syngenta
На глобальном уровне Syngenta Vegetable Seeds играет ведущую роль на рынке брассики - сегменте, на котором компания
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Congga and Monrello, the innovative broccoli from Syngenta
On a global level, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds plays a leading role in the brassica market, a segment on which the company focuses its efforts to provide a value proposition for the different players
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Producers in the West of Almeria continue to uproot the already depleted pepper plantations
The Agricultural and Fisheries Information Service of the Junta de Andalucía has made a new update on the status of Almeria's greenhouse crops, corresponding to the week of April 10 to 16, 2023.
2023-04-21 00:00:00
A new machine for cutting cherry tomatoes in halves and quarters
As the warm season approaches, so does its main vegetable, namely the cherry tomato. It proves, therefore, that there is a need to cope with the different demands and needs of the fresh-cut,
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Start of the new leek season in Cadiz, the earliest in Europe
The earliest leek season in Europe, that of Cadiz, Spain, has already started. Besides being the earliest, Cadiz is also the main producer of this vegetable in the spring months. Lower volumes are
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Surinver's V Range sales increase by 26%.
Surinver, with more than 45 years of experience in the production and marketing of fresh fruit and vegetables, has made a strong commitment to the V Range, traditionally prepared dishes, 100%
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Сингента, инновации в брокколи
На рынке брассики компания Syngenta Vegetable Seeds сосредотачивает свои исследования и генетические улучшения. В
2023-04-21 00:00:00
В Азербайджане резко повышаются цены на овощи
В последнее время цены на овощи в Азербайджане, включая помидоры, лук и картофель, резко выросли. Фермеры
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Italiafruit sees you on Wednesday
Italiafruit News looks forward to seeing you on Wednesday 26 April. . The editorial staff is taking a short break on the occasion of Liberation Day.. We will therefore be back on Wednesday with
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Syngenta, innovation in broccoli
It is the brassica market where Syngenta Vegetable Seeds focuses its research and genetic improvement. In particular the broccoli segment, where with early varieties, Monrello, and late varieties,
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Sowing carrots. Which colourful varieties are worth sowing in the garden?
Carrots are among the economically important vegetables. The vegetable can be eaten fresh - throughout the year - and carrot roots are also used for processing. Varieties with unusual colouring