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Central Poland - break in the trend of onion prices?

2018-11-27 19:28

On the wholesale markets in the centre of Poland for the last two weeks we have had a significant increase in the prices of onions. It seems, however, that this upward trend may now be slowed down or at least slowed down significantly.

Of course, problems resulting from low harvests will soon make the price of onions move up again, but for the time being the increases will probably stop. It is quite a frequent phenomenon that after a period of very dynamic price increases, the stabilisation or even correction comes. In general, the market does not like such drastic changes and sooner or later it reacts to them with a drop in demand.

In recent days, demand has been weakening on the onion market. And it was mainly on the market of peeled onion, because it was there where the demand was the highest and generated a price increase. But how long will it work?

Currently, the prices of onions in the large wholesale markets in the centre of Poland are as follows:

Łódzki region of Poland:

- Kutno area -0,35 - 0,37 EUR/kg bagged. Onions for peeling - 0,26 - 0,28 EUR/kg,

- around Łódź - 0,35 - 0,42 EUR/kg for 60+ onions, bagged,

- Konstantynow Lodzki area - loose onions  0,28 - 0,30 EUR/kg. Peeled onion 0,49 - 0,51 EUR/kg,

- around Łęczyca - 0,35 - 0,37 EUR/kg for a thicker, bagged one.

Wielkopolski region of Poland:

- Around Kalisz - 0,33 - 0,40 EUR/kg for a thicker bagged one,

- Poznań area - 0,37 - 0,42 EUR/kg for a thicker, bagged one,

- Near Szamotuły - onion for peeling, loose 0,28 EUR/kg,

- Nearby Koło - onion loose 0,28 - 0,29 EUR/kg.

Kujawsko-pomorski region of Poland:

- Inowrocław area - 0,35 - 0,37 EUR/kg for thicker, for peeling 0,28 EUR/kg,

- around Włocławek - 0,33 - 0,37 EUR/kg bagged, depending on the thickness,

- The area around Radziejów - 0,33 EUR/kg,

- area of Kruszwica - onion loose caliber 40+ 0,26 - 0,28 EUR/kg, bagged 0,35 EUR/kg,

- around Brest Kujawski 0,35 EUR/kg per bagged 40/80,

- Near Chełmno bagged 0,35 EUR/kg.


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