Każdego miesiąca dzwonimy do kilkuset firm, aby zapytać o ceny. Korzystaj z naszych informacji.

Kup teraz abonament!

Registration is open now!

2014-05-29 10:07
The system is available on the official event website: www.freshmarket.com.pl.

Those willing to take part in the Fresh Market 20134 and the evening reception may register online by completing the provided form. 

Upon filling out the appropriate fields with participant and company data, it will be possible to make the payment for the selected participation packages. 

Visit also www.fruitexpo.eul. It is an official website of FRUIT EXPO Fair organized together with Fresh Market. You will find there offer for exhibitors. 

Register by July 31 and save 20% !!!
Słowa kluczowe: fresh market, fruit expo
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