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Russia closes borders for Ukrainian goods

2014-03-20 10:16
Ukrainian transport companies say that vehicles with Ukrainian goods cannot receive customs permit at Russian stations without giving any reason for that.

“Vehicles simply go back to the territory of Ukraine without any customs examination”, the experts say. “Customs officers do not comment on the situation and provide no documents”.

As a result, the traffic in the neutral territory between Ukraine and Russia was brought to a standstill with trucks queue reaching kilometers.

Fruit-Inform analysts believe Ukrainian suppliers of greenhouse cucumbers will be the first to suffer under those conditions. All large greenhouse farms from Ukraine export more than a half of their cucumber outputs to the Russian Federation. The situation may provoke the price collapse in the Ukrainian internal market due to stop of exports and oversupplied market. Furthermore, it may lead to serious losses for the Ukrainian greenhouse sector.
Słowa kluczowe: Russia, Ukraine
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