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Kup teraz abonament!

What is the price situation for kiwi fruit on the Polish market today? Are the prices similar to those of the previous seasons?

2018-11-19 12:58

 and it seems that this year there will be no problems with the supply of these fruits. It is only mid-November and prices are still falling steadily. Last year in the same period it was much more expensive than today and prices in November did not fall and even rose (the price in the middle of the month ranged from 1,16 - 1,63 EUR/kg).

This year's season promises to be really abundant and favourable in terms of prices, so amateurs of these fruits will have reason to be happy. And what is the current price situation for kiwi fruit? At present, kiwis from Greece in 1 kg baskets can be bought at a price of only 7,91 to 10,47 EUR for 10 kg carton (0,79 - 1,05 EUR/kg gross). Bulk kiwis  is slightly more expensive, i.e. from 9,77 EUR to 13,49 EUR per 10 kg cardboard (0,98 - 1,35 EUR/kg gross) depending on the quality of fruit and calibre. Apart from kiwis from Greece, some importers also offer fruit from Italy, but at a higher price than their Greek counterparts, i.e. at a price of 1,35 - 1,63 EUR per kilogram.

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