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2023-07-05 00:00:00
Strawberry and raspberry prices at the beginning of July (4.07.2023)
Strawberry prices have been on the rise in recent days, but due to the accumulated supply of raw material in recent days, prices have returned to last week's levels, hopefully temporarily. At the
2023-07-04 00:00:00
Current prices of new potatoes in Poland. Irgi is less and prices are higher [03.07.2023].
On the Broniszach wholesale market, the prices of domestic new potatoes vary. It all depends on the variety. For among the offers there are noticeably fewer white-fleshed potatoes, i.e. the
2023-06-20 00:00:00
Current prices for strawberries on wholesale markets (20.06.2023)
Analysing today's price quotations for strawberries on wholesale markets, a slight increase is noticeable, but the profitability of production is still in question. On the Bronisze exchange, we