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2023-07-06 00:00:00
Kazakhstan wants to be independent in apples. It will invest more heavily in orcharding
According to Kazakhstan's Minister of Agriculture, the harvest of apples there in 2024 is expected to be around 352,000 tonnes to fully meet Kazakhstan's domestic demand.More. Go to the article
2023-07-05 00:00:00
Summer Cherry Show 2023 - registration for this year's edition has started
The meeting will start at 09.30 with a practical workshop in a cherry orchard, led by our invited experts led by Leon Jahae of Top Fruit Consultancy. The Polanow orchard, already familiar to you
2023-06-24 00:00:00
The Trade Fair of Fruit and Vegetables (TSW) is the largest trade event for fruit and vegetable producers in Poland!
Modern specialist machinery, work improvement and energy saving solutions and a large congress with industry conferences - the fourteenth edition of the Orchard and Vegetable Trade Fair will meet
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Accredited agricultural soil testing (Mehlich 3) at the Fertico Agronomic Institute
Today, the agricultural industry is moving towards sustainable operations, an example of which is the introduction of so-called Ecoschemes, which are additional forms of payments to farmers for
2023-05-30 00:00:00
Apple prices lower than 30 years ago. "Problems in orcharding are piling up"
- Orchard owners in the Zagórzyce Dworskie Voivodeship in the commune of Michałowice, near Kraków, complain that apple prices are lower now than they were 30 years ago," reads
2023-05-29 00:00:00
Poland a second Netherlands? Or re-exporting pears
Bearing in mind the growing area of pear orchards, it is likely that we will produce more fruit of the species in the coming years. The re-export of pears from Poland is also growing, which is
2023-05-04 00:00:00
Thinning of small-fruit varieties with liquid ATS
Fine-fruited varieties such as Gala, Golden Delicious or Shampion are worth thinning out earlier so that the fruit has the right diameter. For this reason, thinning with ATS-based preparations is
2023-04-13 00:00:00
Orchard Communication PROCAM 02 of 12.04.2023
New orchard communication from Dr Krzysztof Gasparski PROCAM dated 12/04/2023. There were scab infections over the Christmas period, but not all fruit growers carried out the first protection
2023-04-13 00:00:00
Pear Club with Jos de Wit on 29 April!
We would like to invite you to the next Pear Club meeting, which will take place on 29 April 2023. The workshop this time will be led by an advisor from the Netherlands - Jos de Wit.We are pleased
2023-04-13 00:00:00
When will things be good in orcharding?
The benefits of promoting attitudes and good practice were discussed by representatives of the horticultural sector. The Core Team's spring meeting was held in Mszczonów. Participants included
2023-04-12 00:00:00
Grzegorz Pagacz: The frosts took me a bit by surprise [Vetting photos].
- I think that inspecting cherry orchards after the frost surprised many of us," says Mr Grzegorz Pagacz from Biała Rządowa, near Wieluń. As our interviewee explains, he observes the
2023-04-11 00:00:00
Crisis in the orchard industry. Half of apples will go to processing
The EU has prepared a short-term report on the outlook for the apple market. According to the new report, EU apple production is expected to be around 12.2 million t in 2022/23, a volume similar
2023-03-07 00:00:00
Strawberries - ground or cover? - online meeting 9 march 2023
We invite you to the third meeting in the series - 9 March, 7 pm - this time we are discussing strawberry cultivation. We will approach the topic from both the protection and fertilisation side,
2023-03-07 00:00:00
Fewer apples in Polish cold stores - new WAPA report
WAPA has published estimates of apples in storage in Europe with a slight delay. In terms of Europe as a whole, there are 6.4% fewer apples on the continent year-on-year (3,377,583 tonnes).
2023-02-20 00:00:00
Orchard Plant Protection Programme 2023 now on sale
In this year's edition of the Orchard Plant Protection Programme for 2023 published by Plantpress Publishing House, you will find the most up-to-date information on protection products registered
2023-02-18 00:00:00
Average Conference prices over the last 10 years
Conference wholesale prices in February this year are higher than the average (for this month) of the last decade. Ten years ago the same prices were extremely attractive, today they are good. The
2023-02-12 00:00:00
Orchard Week ON-LINE - 12-18 February 2023 We meet every day at 7 p.m.
As every year in mid-February, we invite all interested parties to the next edition of the "Orchard Week On-line" event, which this time will take place from 12-18 February 2023. We traditionally
2023-01-31 00:00:00
Miroslaw Maliszewski: The crisis is obvious, but we must not give in to apathy
There is no denying that a crisis has emerged in the orchard industry, which is manifesting itself in the mood of the industry. We are receiving negative information from various quarters
2023-01-30 00:00:00
A prescription for the orchard crisis? You have to "switch on survival mode"
In my farm, I have 'switched on survival mode': I want to produce the best goods but I reduce those costs that can be reduced. I have to adapt production to the markets, which
2023-01-30 00:00:00
Is there a prescription for the orchard crisis? You have to "switch on survival mode"
In my farm, I have 'switched on survival mode': I want to produce the best goods but I reduce those costs that can be reduced. I have to adapt production to the markets, which
2023-01-23 00:00:00
Sign up for apple tree pruning demonstrations in Sandomierz - 2 February 2023
We encourage you to sign up for the apple tree pruning demonstrations that will take place on 2 February 2023 as part of the Orchard Meeting in Sandomierz. We are encouraging you to sign up for
2023-01-23 00:00:00
Is there a chance of an increase in the price of industrial apples?
Farmers ask: will industrial apple prices rise? A lot will depend on two main factors in the coming weeks. Firstly, the price of gas. The key issue for industrial apples in the near future is,
2023-01-20 00:00:00
13th edition of the Orchard and Vegetable Show - photo report
The 13th edition of the Fruit and Vegetable Fair in Kielce is behind us. An interesting event that attracted many visitors." The event was a great success. The Trade Fair for Fruit and
2023-01-13 00:00:00
The third meeting of the Pear Club is behind us
Despite the rainy weather, the attendance at the 3rd meeting of the Pear Club was good. A demonstration of winter pruning of pear trees was held on the farm of Mr and Mrs Piasecki, but that was
2023-01-09 00:00:00
Welcome to the 31st Orchard Meeting in Sandomierz
Polish orcharding has undergone a huge evolution over the last 30 years. Today, however, it faces many new challenges and decisions, which will be discussed at this year's conference. The Orchard