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2023-06-14 00:00:00
Polskie jabłka dobrze radzą sobie w Indiach
Wiosenne przymrozki nie miały wpływu na polską produkcję jabłek. Według Mohameda Marawana, właściciela polskiego eksportera jabłek Sarafruit, oznacza to, że wolumeny będą podobne do
2023-02-17 00:00:00
Polskie jabłka cieszą się dużym popytem na najpopularniejsze odmiany eksportowe
Polskie jabłka w 2023 roku radzą sobie lepiej niż w grudniu ubiegłego roku. Mateusz Wajnert, szef sprzedaży polskiego eksportera jabłek Galster, stwierdza, że obecnie jest dobry popyt
2022-01-02 16:28:00
Lista kupców jabłek deserowych w Polsce
Lista kontaków do 120 najwazniejszych firm i osób kupujących jabłka w Polsce
2018-12-06 09:40:51
Bananas are even cheaper this season in Poland.
On the Polish market it is becoming more and more clear how prices and trade in bananas in general is strongly correlated with the situation in the apple trade. In seasons when apple prices are
2018-11-15 12:40:51
What is the current price for Gala apples or striped Gala sports on the Polish Market?
The last two weeks have brought significant changes on the export (dessert) apples market in Poland. The fruit harvest was definitely over and the supply, although high, began to stabilize. Only
2018-11-08 14:28:38
We are already in the first half of November and the situation in the apple trade in the Polish market is starting to change.
The situation on the export apple market has recently started to change. Harvesting is over and, as you can see, the purchase of fruit for almost nothing as well. Now the regular trade in apples
2015-03-13 11:46:07
Polish apples may gain access to China by January 2016
According to Konrad Zawadzki, Quality Expert of the Association of Polish Fruit and Vegetable Distributors, “AQSIQ inspectors will then visit Poland in early autumn to confirm the protocols, and
2015-03-04 09:49:30
Polish apple producer associations unite against crisis
One of them is the LubApple initiative, which brings together six groups of producers from the Lublin area: ZPO Stryjno-Sad, Lubsad, Witabo, FruVitaLand and SADPOL ZPO, allowing it joint
2015-02-10 09:41:17
Kazakhstan's imports of Polish apples up
It should be noted that Poland has been raising apple exports to Kazakhstan since the very beginning of the season 2014/15. Kazakhstan's imports of Polish apples over the period from July to
2015-02-03 09:57:56
Poland: apple exporters start with residue-free cultivation
To help growers with residue-free cultivation, Syngenta, together with export company Rajpol, launched the Fruit Quality Contract programme. Dominik Wozniak, commercial manager of Rajpol, talks
2015-01-16 11:40:14
Apple production in Poland lower than expected – official statistics
We would remind you that WAPA August Polish apple production forecast stood at 3,54 mln tons; however, the final official figure is lower due to unfavorable weather conditions in
2014-09-25 10:54:42
Polish producers at Fruit Expo
Among them are such companies as: Agro-Pol, Agro TFC and EuroVeg. Agro-Pol company was established in 1992 and specializes in production of asparagus and apples. AgroTFC products and
2014-08-11 11:36:22
Poland wants to export fruit into India and Iran
A day earlier, the Minister of Agriculture of Poland, Marek Sawicki, met the ambassadors of India and Iran. Similar meetings with representatives of Kazakhstan and Belarus are planned. As it
2014-06-17 10:51:49
Poland: exporters prefer Mutsu and Golden Delicious apples
Despite the fact that the majority of Polish exporters switched over to buying strawberries and sweet cherries, the demand for those apples is rather active. However, exporters often say of
2014-06-16 11:10:00
Stocks of Champion apples down by 40% in April
As on May 1st, 2014, the Polish national stocks of Szampion apples stood at 40,000 tons, while a month before they had totaled 70,000 tons. However, it should be noted that in the beginning of May
2014-06-16 10:53:39
Lower sale of Polish apples
It is still possible that Poland will be a leader in export of apples. This season is first from years when export prices of apples in May and June are lower than in November and
2014-06-05 12:01:57
Demand for Golden Delicious and Mutsu
Demand for apples, generally, isn't high but everything depends on veriety. There is an interest in Golden Delicious, Mutsu and Gala. High interest in Golden Delicious at this time of season
2014-06-03 09:54:01
Russia: imports of Polish apples up by a third in April
Russia's imports stood at 80,000 tons, an increase of 31% compared with March 2014. Nevertheless, on a year-on-year basis, the import volumes went down by 32% in April 2014.Furthermore, Poland's
2014-05-08 12:56:49
Poland: Demand for quality export apples increased
The purchased volumes of Idared apples are also growing, while demand for these apples up until early April was quite stable. Nevertheless, Idared apple prices are lower than those of other
2014-04-25 10:50:00
Russian - Polish consultations over possible ban on fruit and vegetable imports
“I think this issue will be discussed after May 10,” he said, adding that until such consultations were over it was early to speak about any possible measures Russian might take. The exact
2014-04-17 12:16:46
Rospotrebnadzor "attacks" Polish Gala apples
Recently Russia and Belarus have exported more than 27 tons of Gala apples. Local media clami that also those fruits can be contaminated. Everything is about dimetoat - chemical subsatnce used to
2014-04-17 10:17:25
Golden Delicious going well
Cheap Polish apples are an alternative for a bit poorer Russians (due to unfavourable exchange rate of Rouble). The situation on the Golden Delicious market confirms that. Normally, producers have
2014-04-14 10:19:47
Moldova in search of alternative export markets for apples in EU
Moldovan exporters say that the share of the Russian Federation accounts for about 80% of total apple exports from Moldova. Taking that into account, a decrease in Russia's imports may
2014-04-14 10:55:33
Poland overtakes China as world's top apple exporter
“During the 2012/2013 season, apple exports amounted to 1.2 million tonnes, reaching the value of 438 million Euro,” he noted. A third of Poland's apple production now goes towards exports,