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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "ceny banany box"

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Produkt Data Jedn. Cena min. Cena maks. Zmiana
Ceny hurtowe
Banany Ameryka Płd. 2024-04-30 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA Warszawski Rolno-Spożywczy Rynek Hurtowy - Bronisze
banany import 2024-04-30 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Lubelski Rynek Hurtowy S.A. - Elizówka
banany 2024-04-30 kg Kup dostęp +0.9%
POLSKA, Wielkopolska Giełda Rolno-Ogrodnicza S.A. - Poznań
banany 2024-04-30 18 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Wielkopolska Giełda Rolno-Ogrodnicza S.A. - Poznań - Duży hurt
banan 2024-04-26 18 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Łódzki Rynek Hurtowy Zjazdowa S.A. - Łódź
banan 2024-05-01 18,00 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Podkarpackie Centrum Hurtowe Agrohurt S.A. - Rzeszów
banany 2024-04-24 karton - 18 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Pomorskie Hurtowe Centrum Rolno-Spożywcze Renk - Gdańsk
banan 2024-04-18 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA Kompleks Handlowy Rybitwy - Kraków
banan 2024-04-25 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Podlaskie Centrum Rolno-Towarowe S.A., Białystok
banany 2024-04-30 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Targpiast Sp. z o. o. - Wrocław
banany 2024-04-29 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
POLSKA, Rolno-Spożywczy Rynek Hurtowy Giełda Kaliska Sp. z o.o. - Kalisz
banany import 2024-04-30 18 kg Kup dostęp +5.0%
POLSKA, Praska Giełda Spożywcza
banany 2024-04-30 kg Kup dostęp -8.3%
Ceny owoców
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2018-12-06 09:40:51
Bananas are even cheaper this season in Poland.
On the Polish market it is becoming more and more clear how prices and trade in bananas in general is strongly correlated with the situation in the apple trade. In seasons when apple prices are
2014-04-08 07:28:30
Drugs find in German supermarket
It is not the first time that drugs have been discovered in a German supermarket. The white substance was 'in very high probability' drugs, reported a member of Leipzig's police last Saturday.
2014-04-04 09:05:05
Prices of bananas down
Prices of bananas have been rising for almost two months. This week they went down. The drop isn't significant but satisfying. Last week prices decreased in average at 4%. Currently bananas
2014-03-26 09:50:23
Very high prices of bananas Chiquita
For a long time prices of Chiquita bananas have been stable and quite low. However the situation has changed recently. Prices went up and they seem to increase even more. Higher demand for
2012-06-27 00:00:00
Growing prices of bananas
Their price has been growing by almost 10 % week-by-week. Currently price of bananas of less known brands is 70 PLN / box. In the corresponding time of the last year price of bananas was
2011-09-02 09:36:27
Increase in bananas prices
 Within last few weeks price increased by 25 % and now price is 47-55 PLN (11.35-13.28 euro)/18 kg. Bananas of well known brands like Chiquita or Dole are much more expensive. Their price
2011-04-22 00:00:00
Increase in prices of bananas
Prices of bananas imported from Ecuador were increasing during last two weeks  and reached 74-78 PLN (18.59-19.60 euro)/box. It was due to much bigger supply before coming Easter. Prices of
2011-03-28 00:00:00
Prices of bananas
After the period of decreasing prices of bananas imported from Ecuador, last week it was noted stabilization. Price of bananas from Ecuador is 68-70 PLN (16.91-17.41 euro)/box at the moment.
2011-03-03 00:00:00
Decrease in prices of bananas
The downward trend in prices of bananas imported from Ecuador has being observed for few weeks.  The average price of this fruit fell by 5 % within the last two weeks and further decrease is
2009-04-28 00:00:00
Poland: decline in prices of bananas
The prices of bananas imported from Ecuador have been decreasing for several weeks. The highest price bananas reached in March and it was even above 110 PLN (24 euro)/18 kg. In April the price
2009-03-08 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (02-08.03.2009)
In the first week of March prices of both domestic vegetables and imported fruit and vegetables were changing. The prices of most products increased. On the contrary the prices of apples intended
2008-05-27 00:00:00
Expensive bananas at the wholesale market in Elbląg
At the wholesale market in Elbląg wholesale prices of bananas from Ecuador (1st class, packed in 18 kg boxes) are one of the most expensive in Poland and reached 1.18 – 1.24 EUR/kg. In