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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "zamość"
2012-07-04 11:24:28
Ceny warzyw - okolice Zamościa
Kalafiorów na rynek trafia bardzo dużo i ich ceny są niskie, ale widać pewne oznaki poprawy popytu na te warzywa. Po zakończeniu tego wysypu, jeśli upały się utrzymają, to
2012-06-27 12:09:28
Kalafiory i brokuły - okolice Zamościa
Również w woj. lubelskim trwa wysyp kalafiora. Podaż jest tak duża, że brakuje kartonów do pakowania. O wiele mniej jest brokułów, a zapotrzebowanie na nie
2012-06-20 14:57:33
Ceny kalafiorów - okolice Zamościa
Popyt na kalafiory pozostaje wysoki i producenci nie narzekają na brak kupujących. Poszukiwane są też brokuły, ale zbiór tych warzyw ruszy na większą skalę za kilka
2012-06-11 08:25:00
Dostawa owoców i warzyw - woj. lubelskie
Nazwa i adres zamawiającego: Zakład Karny w Zamościu, ul. Okrzei 14, 22-400 Zamość, woj. lubelskie, tel. (0-84) 6380070, faks (0-84) 6395047. Przedmiotem
2011-07-13 11:00:04
11:00 Ceny warzyw w okolicach Zamościa - niskie ceny kalafiorów
Okolice Zamościa - niskie ceny kalafiorów (sztukowych), poszukiwany kalafior do przemysłu. Kalafiory 1,40 zł/szt. z kartonem, brokuły 1,50 zł/szt. z kartonem kapusta biała
2010-10-29 00:00:00
Producers expect higher prices of Chinese cabbage
Producers of Chinese cabbage are whiting for higher prices. Some of them who have storage facilities stopped selling the product. Others are still selling but they are not very eager to do it
2010-10-25 00:00:00
Increasing prices of domestic broccoli
Decreasing supply of domestic broccoli results in higher prices of this vegetable. Only in east Poland near Zamość prices of broccoli remained at the level 1.60-1.70 PLN (0.40-0.43 euro)/pcs.
2009-10-15 00:00:00
Poland: snow on the fields in mid October
On Wednesday, October 14, near Zamość (eastern Poland), the price of cauliflower and broccoli packed in cartons still remained at 1.50 PLN (0.36 euro)/pcs. and 1.40 PLN (0.33 euro)/pcs.
2009-10-05 00:00:00
Poland: expected increase in prices of cauliflowers and broccoli
Worsening weather probably will affect the prices of cauliflowers and broccoli. In the next days one can expect the increase in their prices. So far in provinces: mazowieckie, łódzkie and
2008-11-19 00:00:00
The end of the harvest of cauliflowers and broccoli
Prices of cauliflowers and broccoli increased by about 0.026 euro/piece and in surroundings of Zamość their price is 0.36 euro/piece and 0.34 euro/piece with the packaging. In the surroundings
2008-08-12 00:00:00
Prices of cauliflowers
On Monday, August 11th prices of cauliflowers turned out to be more balanced than they were last week. In south and south-east of Poland a supply of cauliflowers was smaller and additionally in
2008-08-07 00:00:00
Prices of cauliflowers
Prices of cauliflowers much diversified in different regions of Poland. The greatest crop and consequently the lowest prices are at the moment in małopolskie province. On Wednesday, August 6th
2008-07-28 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analyse (21-27.07.08)
The level of purchase price of sour cherries is undoubtedly a hot topic of last days. In spite of protests of fruit growers, last week price did not only increase, but they had a downward trend.