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2023-03-30 00:00:00
Scherpenhuizen takes strategic stake in Kamps Green beans
In recent months, two Dutch companies, Scherpenhuizen and Kamps Sperziebonen, have discussed further cooperation. That recently led to Scherpenhuizen taking a strategic interest in Kamps. After
2023-03-30 00:00:00
Нидерланды: Торговая делегация по садоводству направляется в Казахстан
С 3 по 7 апреля делегацию будет принимать Абулхаир Тамабек, заместитель министра сельского хозяйства
2023-03-30 00:00:00
Netherlands: Trade delegation for horticulture leads to Kazakhstan
From 3 to 7 April, the delegation will be hosted by Abulkhair Tamabek, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan. Bouke Arends, Mayor of the Municipality of Westland, says: "On behalf of the
2023-03-30 00:00:00
Lidl signs for 35 ha at Dutch logistics park
Yesterday, the Moerdijk Port Authority announced the second company to be part of the new Logistics Park Moerdijk (LPM) in the Netherlands. Lidl signed on to develop a distribution center (DC) of
2023-03-29 00:00:00
"My Dad always said standing still is going backward"
‘Standing still is moving backward', Dutch transportation business owner Dirk Veldhuis, who died in 2021, used to say. His daughter Natascha has taken that to heart. She and co-owner Mario Groot
2023-03-28 00:00:00
"The market is ready for optical sorting"
This year is the Dutch company Remach's fifth anniversary. "We initially wanted to trade used machines. But after a few months, we decided to focus entirely on selling new sorting, washing, and
2023-03-28 00:00:00
Delhi Defence, the new standard for the future of the courgette
Starting from a solid foundation is the prerequisite for looking to the future, especially in uncertain times such as these. That is why Rijk Zwaan, the Dutch horticultural breeding company,
2023-03-28 00:00:00
"We're waiting for spring to sow Dutch sweetcorn, luckily no gaps in the cultivation schedule"
In the Netherlands, it is almost time for the sweetcorn sowing season. "We're in the starting blocks," said Giel Hermans of Hermans Suikermais. "Unfortunately, the weather's not cooperating yet;
2023-03-27 00:00:00
"Onion prices stagnate slightly; the year's first setback"
After a slight price drop, onion demand has picked up again, notes Marius Jansen of the Dutch company JJK Onion Trade. "Lately, prices have been rising sharply, but things were tough. Then prices
2023-03-27 00:00:00
"I'm not competing for the last onions; let others do that"
Dutch onion prices are skyrocketing. "You can make €0.70 for delivery in March or April. But the onion market can be hot; you must have onions available," says Mark van Sijll of Sijlltrade in
2023-03-24 00:00:00
"Dutch organic market dealing with inflation just fine"
There are reports that the Dutch organic market is struggling with inflation and that consumers are, thus, not buying organic goods. Contrary to that, TOFF has begun the year well. "Our customers
2023-03-24 00:00:00
New management structure for Dutch company
The world is changing, and Heemskerk fresh and easy is changing with it. Under the philosophy, Fit For Future, this Dutch company keeps building its organization. Recently, with the help of a
2023-03-24 00:00:00
"Holenderski rynek ekologiczny radzi sobie z inflacją po prostu dobrze"
Pojawiają się doniesienia, że holenderski rynek ekologiczny zmaga się z inflacją i że w związku z tym konsumenci nie kupują towarów ekologicznych. Wbrew temu TOFF dobrze rozpoczął
2023-03-24 00:00:00
Dutch fish transporter spreads wings into frozen goods, fruit and vegetables
Ask anyone in Europe's transport sector about what kind of company Kotra Logistics is, and nine times out of ten, they will say: a fish transporter. "That label will stick with us for the
2023-03-24 00:00:00
"I'd love a few more years like this"
"I think what's happening on the onion market is absolutely amazing. There's confidence in the product, and there's a market again. So you can make good money. That livens things up. I'd love a
2023-03-24 00:00:00
Holenderski przewoźnik rybny rozwija skrzydła w kierunku mrożonek, owoców i warzyw
Zapytaj kogokolwiek z europejskiego sektora transportowego o to, jaką firmą jest Kotra Logistics, a dziewięć razy na dziesięć powie: przewoźnikiem ryb. "Ta etykieta będzie nam
2023-03-24 00:00:00
Голландский перевозчик рыбы расправляет крылья в области замороженных товаров, фруктов и овощей
Спросите любого представителя европейского транспортного сектора о том, что за компания Kotra Logistics, и в
2023-03-24 00:00:00
"Голландский рынок органических продуктов прекрасно справляется с инфляцией"
Поступают сообщения о том, что голландский рынок органической продукции борется с инфляцией и что
2023-03-23 17:00:00
OneThird raises €2.75M in late seed funding
Foodtech company OneThird has announced that it has raised €2.75m (US$3m) in a late-seed funding round, increasing the total amount of funding raised to date to €5.75m (US$6.1m). The late seed
2023-03-23 00:00:00
Surprising retail concepts in Dutch-German border region AGF Trend Cafe:
The Dutch-German border region, with its growing areas of North Limburg and Niederrhein as well as Fresh Park Venlo, has long played a prominent role in bilateral agri-business. But what about
2023-03-23 00:00:00
OneThird raises €2.75 million to tackle $1 trillion lost to food waste annually
OneThird, an AI-powered food tech company created to address the annual loss of one-third of all food produced due to spoilage, announced the company has raised €2.75M euros ($3M USD) in a
2023-03-23 00:00:00
Использование перерабатывающего картофеля в Нидерландах самое высокое с 2016/17 года
В выпуске данных об использовании картофеля для переработки в феврале 2023 года, подготовленном Vavi,
2023-03-23 00:00:00
Netherlands: Hospitality industry bought many vegetable mixes and fruit salads in 2022
Business owners in the Dutch on-trade bought 61% more fresh fruit and vegetables last year than in 2021, when Corona measures caused a standstill for much of the year. Purchases of fresh
2023-03-23 00:00:00
Looye is committed to a greener future
Viticulture under glass in the Netherlands helps to guarantee the food supply in Europe. In doing so, the fruit and vegetable sector produces according to the "principle of eco-modernity" and