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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "south africa"
2020-11-10 14:00:00
RPA – więcej owoców pestkowych
Według Association of South African Gardeners (Hortgro) zbiory owoców pestkowych w RPA znacznie wzrosną w sezonie 2020/2021. Sezon dostaw owoców pestkowych w RPA
2020-01-12 00:00:00
Ess-Food A/S

Our main markets comprise primarily Denmark, Finland, Italy and Germany as well as Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.The international malt drinks markets comprise a number of established

Global Agro Resources Incorporation is one of the leading Agro-based Companies dealing different kind of Agriculture Products including Natural Sesame Seeds Sesame Oil. Fresh Potatoes, Frozen
2021-03-24 01:01:00
The company specializes in importing vegetables and fruit from Africa. The main import directions are Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa. We operate on exclusivity basis of exclusive rules, we
Jining Brother International Trading Co. Ltd
Egyptian export center
Our company is privately owned by the undersigned, We are a leading company in the field of dates and orange in Egypt, we are a manufacturer and an exporter of many kinds of fruits, vegetables,
2021-02-24 16:50:00
The company specializes in importing vegetables and fruit from Africa. The main import directions are Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa. We operate on exclusivity basis of exclusive rules, we
pure gem
Fruit grower and exporter from South Africa
2019-12-11 00:00:00
Suri Agro Fresh (P) Ltd
Suri Agro Fresh is one of India’s largest fresh produce company, based in Asia’s largest fruit market in Delhi. Suri Agro Fresh maintains strong relationships with the most prestigious
2019-01-24 09:00:00
RPA – niższe zbiory jabłek i gruszek w 2018
W związku z tym, że południowoafrykański sektor jabłek i gruszek wysyła swój pierwszy transport owoców z 2019 roku, zamyka on rozdział – sezon 2018,
2018-11-12 11:34:07
Spanish oranges and Turkish grapefruits appeared on the Polish market. What are the prices for these fruits?
Importers have already listed in their offers the last species imported recently from South Africa - oranges. Today, these fruits come from Spain, and their prices in a small wholesale fluctuate
2017-11-24 12:15:15
Eksport jabłek i gruszek z RPA stale rośnie
Rośnie eksport jabłek i gruszek z RPA. Zgodnie z danymi The South African Revenue Service (SARS) w 2017 roku łączny wywóz jabłek wyniósł 560.000 ton, a gruszek
2016-04-26 11:05:29
Rośnie holenderski import z RPA
W 2015 roku Holandia zakupiła około 20 proc. całkowitego eksportu owoców i warzyw z Republiki Południowej Afryki i jest to najważniejszy partner handlowy – największy
2014-06-05 09:17:35
Holland: lack of table grapes
Fruits from the south are disappearing from Duch importers offers. They buy fruits from South Africa and currently consumers can buy fruits from Egypt. Grapes of variety Sugraone from Egypt cost
2014-04-14 10:55:33
Poland overtakes China as world's top apple exporter
“During the 2012/2013 season, apple exports amounted to 1.2 million tonnes, reaching the value of 438 million Euro,” he noted. A third of Poland's apple production now goes towards exports,
2014-04-08 07:23:46
Poland: unstable prices for grapes
In late March, after a short break, Polish importers again offered Red Globe grapes. However, their origin has changed from Peruvian to Chilean now. Last week, prices of those grapes reached
2014-03-21 11:18:31
Red Globe - lack of fruits on the market
In last days grapes Red Globe from Peru disapeared from offer. They were available in Poland but price increase was suprising - 35% per kg. it can be noticed that this week stituation on the
2014-03-20 07:08:53
Bookings surge for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA
Hong Kong, 18 March 2014 – Stands for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 are selling rapidly, with reserved exhibition space up by almost 30 per cent on the same stage last year. Asia’s premier
2014-03-13 09:37:16
Cheaper nectarines from South Africa
This is not the best season for those who deal in stone fruits from South Africa. Weather and low crops cause that importers have problems. They don't want to sell peaches or nectarines. Those
2013-12-09 13:56:33
Cheap citrus fruits
Despite the fact that Christmas is coming prices of citrus fruits are not rising and what is more some importers offer them in a very attractive prices. It is possible because they buy fruits at
2013-11-29 09:40:31
EU has suspended import of citrus fruit from SA
Mycosis afflicts fruits in subtropical climat but it does not occur in Europe. Infected fruits have been found in 36 transports from South Africa. Supplies from South Africa constitute about 1/3
2013-02-07 16:03:30
Europe is the market for fresh produce from SA
Each year, the country exports 5.2 million tonnes of fresh produce to Europe. The Russian market is also becoming increasingly significant. - We've come to FRUIT LOGISTICA in order to
2012-12-17 11:16:19
Grapes from Chile already in Poland
It starts with the exchange range from the south on the South American European and South African, who will be honored our market until next year. Recent grapes from Italy, still available
2012-06-21 10:40:59
Offer for citrus fruits is getting poorer
 It is possible to find remains of poor quality oranges in retail chains, however import of these fruits has finished. The supply of citrus fruits was much lower recently. Importers
2012-05-15 00:00:00
Первый корабль фруктов нового урожая из ЮАР приходит в порт Санкт-Петербурга
На борту риферного судна "Season Trader" российской компании «Балтик Шиппинг», которое гарантирует