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2023-03-06 10:00:00
Naylor Farms unveils €38m brassica plan
Naylor Farms has announced it is investing €38 million in a smart eco-factory seven miles from its HQ in Lincolnshire. The Naylor Nutrition site will allow for the gentle extraction of highly
2023-03-05 00:00:00
High onion prices will be the norm? "Climate change is damaging crops"
The price of white onions at the Bronisze Buying Centre is up to PLN 4.66 per kilo, while imported onions are up to PLN 4.85. - There are no onions and there will not be any. Climate change is
2023-03-04 00:00:00
Demand for vegetable seeds "shot up". An increase of up to 50 per cent.
The low availability of vegetables in the UK has led to an increase in interest in vegetable seeds. By up to 50 per cent on the previous year, reports As the BBC reports, demand for
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Carrefour's Potager City: Emphasis on fruit and vegetables
All Belgian Metros have found new owner The saga of Metro Belgium’s demise is coming to an end, now that all outlets have found a new owner. The one in Antwerp North was acquired by Horeca
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Large Kenyan towns hit by acute fresh produce shortages
Farmers and traders from the agriculture rich area of Kinangop in Nyandarua County are warning of a looming shortage of fresh produce in major towns due to the harsh weather conditions. Vegetable
2023-03-03 00:00:00
"In the last week, we have noticed the entry of vegetables from Turkey and Jordan to make up for the shortage in southeastern Spain"
The cold weather is back in Andalusia, so more attention is being paid to the wholesale prices of fruit and vegetables in the province of Almeria, which, in their own way, immediately reflect the
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Auction of food processing machinery to be held on behalf of Fountain Group Ltd. in Nordelph
An auction of food processing machinery is to be held on behalf of Fountain Group Ltd. in Nordelph, UK. The machinery auction includes mixers, vegetable slicers, depositors, tray sealers, labeling
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Eucofel zatwierdza mapę drogową na 2023 r.
Fruits and Vegetables Europe, Eucofel, organizacja złożona ze stowarzyszeń producentów i eksporterów z różnych krajów członkowskich, w tym FEPEX, odbyła we wtorek
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Bangladesh consumers suffer as vegetables, garlic & ginger become costlier
Prices of vegetables, garlic, ginger and green chilli have witnessed further prices hikes in the last seven days, augmenting sufferings of the commoners. Prices of brinjal, okra, snake gourd,
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Sour cucumbers at £9/kg. Vegetable prices break new records
Sour cucumbers still cost 1.5 zloty per kg at the Bronisze market a year ago. Now it is already 9 zloty per kg. The situation is even worse with tomatoes. They are being followed by other
2023-03-03 00:00:00
"Recent frost has entirely halted Spanish asparagus supply"
The recent frost in Spain has greatly impacted many Spanish vegetables' supply. "Asparagus in the Granada region, for example, is completely frozen," says Special Fruit's Tom Maes. "That supply is
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Eucofel утверждает дорожную карту на 2023 год
Европа по фруктам и овощам, Eucofel, организация, состоящая из ассоциаций производителей и экспортеров из
2023-03-03 00:00:00
"Trading is the best job in the world"
In the Netherlands, Bakker AGF's Jan Bakker recently celebrated his 70th birthday. Of those seven decades, he has been trading fruit and vegetables for six. "I started peddling cauliflower at ten,
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Eucofel approves roadmap for 2023
Fruits and Vegetables Europe, Eucofel, an organisation made up of producer and exporter associations from different member states, including FEPEX, held its annual assembly in Brussels on Tuesday,
2023-03-03 00:00:00
AMI: 30 percent organic - How are organic fruit and vegetables being pushed?
To make organic more widespread - this was the goal set 20 years ago by Renate Künast, then Minister of Agriculture, who spoke out for a 20 % share within ten years. To date, the target has not
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Residues in organic O+G - Fresh seminar webinar provides info for better risk management
Organic fruit and vegetables are not produced under a glass bell jar. So it happens again and again that the laboratory analysis or another indication shows residues of pesticides. But how do
2023-03-03 00:00:00
In Ukraine, there is the most critical deficit of onions ever
The most problematic situation is with onions. In Ukraine, the wholesale price of onions is three times more expensive than last season. Oleksandr Khorev, head of the "APK-inform: vegetables and
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Pozostałości w ekologicznych produktach O+G - świeże seminarium internetowe dostarcza informacji dla lepszego zarządzania ryzykiem
Organiczne owoce i warzywa nie są produkowane pod szklanym dzwonkiem. Zdarza się więc raz po raz, że analiza laboratoryjna lub inne wskazanie wykazuje pozostałości pestycydów. Ale jak
2023-03-03 00:00:00
"How to simplify and optimize the harvesting of vegetables"
The Ecogreen Multis is now an acknowledged pillar of Ecogreen Italia's range of electric harvesting machines. "It is a self-propelled electric machine designed specifically for harvesting
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Horrendous vegetable prices. Buy them cheapest here
Food prices - especially for vegetables - are breaking new records. Which vegetables are the retail chains currently offering at promotional prices? Vegetable prices are breaking previously
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Audits show Hungary and Bulgaria must improve controls
Two audits by the European Commission’s health and safety unit have looked at checks on the food of non-animal origin (FNAO) in Hungary and Bulgaria. An audit by DG Sante, in May and June 2022
2023-03-03 14:00:00
‘The UK needs more POs’, says BelOrta
UK growers should group together and set up more producer organisations and cooperatives to give themselves greater bargaining power in the face of intense price pressure from their retail
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Thuringia: Vegetable harvest under glass increased compared to the previous year
According to the Thuringian State Office for Statistics, a total of around 11,500 t of vegetables were harvested in Thuringia's greenhouses in 2022. Compared to 2021, the quantity of vegetables
2023-03-03 00:00:00
New business center to buy 500 tons of produce daily
A newly formed Agricultural Business Center will buy approximately 500 tons of vegetables per day from farmers to meet demand in Phnom Penh. Phan Sopheak, founder of the Agricultural Business
2023-03-03 00:00:00
Eucofel includes the follow-up of the regulations derived from the Farm to Table Strategy in its roadmap for 2023
On Tuesday, Eucofel, the European Fruit and Vegetables Association, held its annual assembly in Brussels. In the assembly, Eucofel approved the lines of action for 2023, including the exhaustive